My day is made!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 11, 2014
Quinlan Texas
Just closed the deal on a Silkied Ameraucana rooster, 3 Silkied Ameraucana hens, and a Smooth Ameraucana hen. Goin to make a nice addition to my 3 existing Americaunas. I'm so excited!!!
Congratulations! And if I have not yet welcomed you, then
Thank you. I still need to post an introduction. My chickens are keeping me too busy though.. Never thought it would be this much work. But it's worth it.
Very true! I have found that chickens are much more complicated and much more expensive than I had originally figured. I wouldn't turn back now though! Love 'em! I just started Fermenting Feed yesterday as was mentioned on a thread called The Cold Folks Home. I am excited to make healthier food for my chickens and save money......hopefully

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