Sorry for blowing up with all the messages but I figured it out. I had the reverse polarity timer set the second time instead of the power timer I was working well.

Like I said the Power/Polarity Timer setup is ok but it is more of a hassle. I just gave you that option first because you already had the components.

I just want to show you this option as well. It can be done with Two SPDT relays. Din rail mount, Module or even Bosch style car relays. Wiring only takes two more wires but the programing of the timers is so much less hassle. And of course the power usage only happens when the door is opening and closing.

Day timer turns on/off only once a day.
Night timer turns on/off only once a day.

6:00 AM Day Timer on.
6:01 AM Day Timer off.

7:00 PM Night Timer on.
7:01 PM Night Timer off.

Two SPST Timers Two SPDT Relays Linear Actuator s.png
If you use a logic level relay they only draw 5mA as compared to an electro mechanical relay which usually draw 50mA to 100mA on the coil side.


True yet a logic level relay requires (most of the time) power to that circuit to be on 24/7. So that 5mA is constant. Compared to the 10mA draw that only happens for a total of 2 minutes a day. It really is a non concern.

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