My dog ate my Christmas Presents

Dogs and presents. One Easter my son-in-laws German short hair got into and ate several pounds of chocolate slated for my grandchildren. This is the same dog who ate through the drywall in their living room trying to exit the house. No, the chocolate did not kill him. He went to live a full life where he tormented the entire family.
My mums boxer also ate thru the dry wall in the bedroom, that was after he tore down the curtains, chewed thru the box sping and mattress and chewed as many shoes as he could. He also ate all our Easter eggs too and was never sick a day in his life. .....Dont you just LOVE Boxers.
That makes me happy I have good dogs! All three of them used to chew everything when we were gone. Even if it was just for an hour. Before we put them in crates, but one night, we left and forgot to put them in crates and turn off the TV. There was nothing chewed when we got back. The same thing happened again and now we don't need crates anymore because we just leave the TV on!
I guess they just needed some entertainment!
After the drywall incident, my daughter and SIL started crating the dog whenever they left the house. My wife and I arrived at their house for a visit knowing that no one was home. When I heard Will (the good dog) barking and no Taylor, I said to my wife, "Something is wrong." Raced into the house and the dog from H*LL had chewed a hole through the crate, forced his head through, lacerated his neck and almost strangled himself. I cut the crate to get his head out and freed him. We were searching for his invisible fence collar as he ran through the house spewing diarraeha. All this happened just as my daughter and famijly arrived home. The book "Marley and Me" could be followed by a book called "Taylor and Me." Sorry for the hijack.
My dog unwrapped a few of my gifts this year. I so hope he leaves the gifts alone...
Shudder! Thank goodness our old dog hasn't even looked at the gifts. I'll admit that I "did" take the precaution of putting the wrapped packages of chocolate covered coffee beans way up high on a shelf, though. And, I haven't put the chocolate gifts near the tree as a precaution...
Ugh- so sorry! Here is my tragic dog & chicken story... Got 2 dozen eggs hatching eggs black copper and blue marans on line + 6 olive eggers. 4 yr old kid (mine) turned up the incubator at the beginning of week 2, I noticed that my thermometer said 127 when I was checking the humidity. I didn't know how long they had actually been that hot. I cracked one to see what it looked like & it was basically soft boiled on the inside. I put all 24 in a bag on the counter to throw away the next day. Went to the store with the family and came home to egg shells all over, torn bag on the ground and sheepish looking dog. He had bad gas the next day
This was just a few days ago, so I am still upset about the loss of those eggs.

I hope some of your presents are salvageable? Kids won't care if the boxes are chewed, but I assume he chewed the actual toys? Maybe bake them some goodies? Or an IOU, dog ate the 'x' and IOU for the thing in a few months (maybe take advantage of after holiday sales!). Older kids can deal with IOUs, young kids might not miss extra presents, as long as they have something to open....
If it's just the packaging, and the gifts are fine, then remove the items & repackage in gift boxes or something else.

If it's the item itself, I like the idea of baking treats. Get $1 tins at the dollar store & bake some homemade goodies. Add some packs of hot chocolate mix & some candy canes if you can spend the money on those & just don't worry about it! The children will be fine. I'm assuming they will receive gifts from other people, too.
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