my dog ate the eggs I had been feeding to my sick chicken!!


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
Can my 4+ pound yorkipoo get sick from sharing food with my sick BO? I am not sure what her illness was, but my husband culled her tonight. She was very near death. I had tried to get her to eat a small amount of scrambled egg by placing her beak in the food. She didn't really eat any, but technically her mouth touched it. I left it on my table (bad choice on my part), and my yorkipoo ate it at some point during the day!!! So can dogs catch any sort of chicken illnesses? Some of the possibilities were Marek's, coccidiosis, Newcastles, or coryza?? I am new at this, but these were all suggested by members of BYC when I posted symptoms. Thanks.
The dog will be fine. Most diseases and parasites don't cross species lines.

Sorry for your loss. You can take Newcastle off the list of potential ailments. It is rare and reportable. You would be aware if it were in your area, and the bird would not have had to be culled because it would have died quickly.

Good luck.

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