My DSD changed my name


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
and I think I'm okay with it.

Her text message to me said: "Just fyi, i'm adopting u. Its much easier to talk w u than it is for me w my own mother. i mean shes still my mom but u aint step mama 2 me ne more...that 2 me suggests distance id like 2 call u mama kat if ya dig"

Now if her younger sister would just come around to liking me.
That just confirms what I have suspected about you just from reading your posts-you're a wise woman and a good person.
It's going to take an extraordinary amount of patience on my part and some maturity on her part. I can do something about the former, not a thing but wait it out on the latter.
Thank you. You're very sweet and that made my day.

I'm upset right now because it looks like her DH won't let her come for a visit before they move further away. It's so dang hard to talk via text messages, but they don't have a landline or I'd have her call collect.
How many minutes per month does her phone have? Maybe you can pay for the next higher level of minutes if that would allow her to call more often. Or even get her a pay-as-you-go phone to call you on, or add a line to your cell plan for her, and limit it to calls to you and 911. If y'all have the same cell provider, chances are that calls between your numbers are already free.
gritsar - That is wonderful! As much of yourself as you have put into those children, hearing that must make your heart sing! It is something I think most all step-parents want to hear, and from reading past posts of yours, is especially sweet to your ears. Hopefully the younger sister will come around. Maturity, as you said, comes from age and deeper understanding. Being a step-child and having step children myself has helped me to see it from both sides. I have a pretty good relationship with my step-mom although I call her by her first name. My two step sons, who have children of their have never called me mom, which is fine. It's always been Susan (as I am to their respective children) but I have noticed that when either of the stepsons introduce me to their friends or peers, I am always introduced as "this is my mom."
As long as I was/am a positive influence in their lives, that is what matters to me. You are a special person and I think that the younger one will come to realize it also.

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