My duck got pecked at her crest really bad.


May 24, 2020
I had to go to la to get a dog from the airport and since my other ducks are male and the bin they are in us right on the sun, I had to move little bird. I put her in with the nicest chicken, whom has never shown any aggression towards her or the other ducks and chickens. She was a Brahma. I came home this morning to find out that she had packed almost all the crest off little bird. I put some hydrogen peroxide and water on it to make sure she doesn’t get a infection and the sores are already clotted. She is eating and drinking, and moving but shopping shaking a little. Should she be alright??????
I will never put her in there again.
She will probably be fine; I wouldn’t use the peroxide again as it is very powerful and can kill the good bacteria trying to heal things - once to kill the initial bacteria is good. In the meantime, I would separate her until she starts to heal completely bc there’s a chance the others may continue to peck the wound. If she’s separated, you can treat the wounds with Neosporin (without painkiller) until they heal. Offer good protein in addition to her regular food; scrambled eggs or some tuna will help aid in the healing process as well as provide supplemental protein to regrow the feather. The feathers probably won’t completely grow back in until her next molt, but as long as she’s not lethargic and on deaths for a little separation and TLC should work in not time.

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