My duck has been limping for a while now....

im in Idaho :) thanks guys this is helpful!

She gets really limpy later in the day. She will just lay down after a while and not really move. I rested her this afternoon so she isn't too bad at the moment. And when she has to walk fast, she hides it really well. She will never rest on one leg anymore and its really hard for her to scratch her face, she always does it laying down. I can try and get a different video if this isnt helpful
Great videos. I see what you're saying and can see that after going all day she could get worse. Can you grab another duck and check it's legs. Use it to see what the normal range of motion on all of the joints is, then check the gimpy one. Look for any swelling and any joints that don't flex or extend the way the other duck's legs do.
I have 3 Cayugas and 2 of the 3 have had leg problems :/ I'm starting to think they are prone to this :idunno Switch to a commercial feed for layers asap and feed the other stuff as treats. I just took my newest Cayuga to the vet (not even 2 weeks old) and she has a very loose/slipped tendon. She's on a 2x a day liquid anti-inflammatory and she's really improved after only 3 doses. I've also been reading a ton about tendon and ligament issues and supplementation in animals.........try giving her the joint supplements/powder meant for dogs and/or humans. Make sure it contains at least glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate and these if you can- collagen, bromelain, arginine, boswellic acid and curcumin/turmeric (a natural anti-inflammatory). You can get turmeric in bulk at most groceries stores now for pretty cheap. You can find supplements that have most if not all of those things for humans and many of those ingredients in dog supplements. I got my stuff on amazon. Also vitamin C, and niacin or a B Complex vitamin. Vitamin C has been shown to increase healing and laying down of more collagen and is also pretty cheap. This is a good study that I was reading about. It lists the stuff I'm talking about and studies that have been done.

Also, I don't think your ducks gait was all that bad, but yes, my older female Cayuga will also rest a lot as if walking is difficult or tiring (perhaps painful?). I wonder if it's a coincidence that your duck is a female, as are my two that have the leg troubles. Both my ducks were runty as well. The vet said she sees this often is runts and she thought that it could be the mothers didn't get enough of the right nutrition when they were laying eggs and she they were small, and have perhaps under-developed tendons.

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