My duck has Green Poop... should I go to the vet? (PICS)

I hear ya I totally get why they stick to those rules I just wish they could bend for dear booby šŸ˜“ his poops are getting skinnier and heā€™s completely refusing all food including grapes šŸ˜„šŸ„ŗ I hope this isnt the end of the road for him. Iā€™m still confused about the single dose of panacur and the vets office texted me telling me theyā€™d get back to me by the end of the day but must have forgot so im just worrying that he may not make it through thw night :( he was tube fed today but heā€™s just so tired and for good reason too. I canā€™t imagine how bad heā€™s hurting if heā€™s refusing his beloved grapes
I hope the antibiotic starts working soon.

Is tube feeding going ok? Is he loosing weight?
I hope the antibiotic starts working soon.

Is tube feeding going ok? Is he loosing weight?
tube feeding is going ok so far! I dont know if its helping bc i just got a kitchen scale today to weigh him and heā€™s 3.8lbs but iā€™m sure the reading is much different from the fancy scales at any of the vet offices. So going forward Iā€™ll be able to monitor the weight.

I hope the antibiotic kicks in soon too. Poos still green and getting skinnier. I just hate when all that can be done is being done and thereā€™s nothing more you can do. such an icky feeling just watching him slowly decline. But every now and then he has small bursts of energy! He was asking to come sit on my lap so I swaddled him in a towel and sat him down on my lap as I watched tv. I noticed him nibbling on the towel and was like haha ok and then all the sudden I felt him ā€˜kneading the doughā€™ with his feet like cats do and realized he was mounting/playing ā€œhop on topā€ with my leg!!! good to know heā€™s got enough energy to be frisky... anyways that gave us a good laugh

Iā€™ve started rubbing this balm called hen healer on his beak just because the dehydration has cracked his poor little bill. he seems to like it though i feel like it will probably mess with his water proofing later on but I think the cracked skin was a minor hindrance to opening his mouth so maybe thisā€™ll help who knows
Update: this morning booby had a definite pep in his step!! As soon as I entered the room, I saw his little feet scurry, stand up and walk out from under the towel shade in his ā€œduck jailā€ tub and then he loudly greeted me just like before! His eyes are a bit more open and he seems more with it! Last night he had interest in mealworms on his own and started picking them out of his dish which is the first time heā€™s touched his food dish in a week now!!! I think the aversion to grapes may stem from the grape overload when he wasnt eating combined with his wariness to open his mouth near my hand after all the tube feeding lol!

He still will nit eat pellets or mush, so we are still tubefeeding. as for theprimary symptom of green stools, they are still green and skinny though now they are the thickness of a shoelace again instead of last night when they were a bit thicker than string. Overnight, he lost 0.7 ounces (3lb 8.4oz to 3 lb 7.7oz) but I think that may be water weight fluctuation like in humans where if you weigh yourself it should be around the same time of day bc your weight can fluctuate like 5-7lbs throughout the day. And his last feeding was 12 hours earlier with his antibiotics so that is probably why.
Heā€™s not outta the woods yet and Iā€™ve seen sporadic green stool in his flock mates so Iā€™m keeping a close eye! fingers crossed heā€™ll keep on the up and up!
Hmmm I just read something online about a duck with an intestinal blockage passing out stringy poops like Booby. They recommended paraffin oil, anyone have experience with this?
Hmmm I just read something online about a duck with an intestinal blockage passing out stringy poops like Booby. They recommended paraffin oil, anyone have experience with this?
I've never heard of it either. I would be reluctant to give Booby anything that might make him worse. Especially since you aren't sure he has an intestinal blockage, right? I'm concerned that perhaps with his dehydration ingesting oils could give him diarrhea increasing dehydration. Maybe you could ask your vet about it?

My duck was suspected for a possible intestinal blockage by the vet, and we did a barrium swallow test to find out. She didn't have any foreign material inside her. I'm glad I didn't just treat her for it.
How are things going with Booby?
Sorry for the delay in the Booby Report! Booby lives!!! It is definitely the tube feeding that has kept him alive SO for anyone who finds this post who's having similar issues, a) go to the vet, better safe than sorry b) start tube-feeding asap, BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MEDICAL ADVICE BEFOREHAND, I didn't know what amounts to start at and almost killed my duck by overfeeding!!

BUT alas, the sweet boy lives! He still is having a tough time getting interested in normal food. He'll eat treats just fine but not food. I'm trying to ween him off the tube after over a week on it, but no luck. Since he's finished antibiotics and already has been wormed, I've introduced him back with his girls today. If it were viral, it would have already gotten the other ducks sick, as their "quarantine" wasn't so perfect and they definitely broke out of their quarantine boxes to snuggle several times. So I figured, why fight it? It's been over 3 weeks since symptoms began and I've tried all the treatments so I don't think its viral and Booby is 100% acting normal and his poops are looking more normal so I think he might just be missing his ladies. I think a lil food competition might remind him to eat!!!

So so so happy to report that he's doing better! He was really close to gone for a moment!

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