My duck is lost :(

I'm sorry for your loss...

The truth of the matter is probably a predator. The lack of a human presence invites predators to come in. As we are over most other animals that would attack a duck, those predators tend to stay away when we are near. But when we leave an area for several days especially during winter snow where food sources become scarce, the lower predators will feel safer and come to search for food.

Its hard but maybe better that you don;t know. Hopefully you will have similar good experiences hatching a duck (or 2) in the future. There is nothing better than hatching a duckling and raising it to be part of the family. They seem to know who loves them and they return that everyday.
I'm so sorry. he is in my prayers. There is always hope he will return. Please let us know.

Is it possible he is in fact a she???

My pekin duck went missing and I could find her for three days. My husband put up flyers and looked all over the neighborhood. Turned out she was under my shed in a spot I couldnt see. She had laid a clutch of 16 eggs and was sitting on them.

They are very good at hiding.
I have had a few mallard mix ducks that flew away when I was gone for a week, never did find them.
ps. I live in Hastings MI :p
Same thing happened to me Monday. Eggs were taken in my backyard and I have three ducks and only the one who could fly was missing. Like something opened his pen or got it loose and he felt in danger because he’d never leave his friends. I’ve been searching for him all week but he’s a male
Mallard and there are so many around I’m getting calls from so many people. I’m not sure if mallards can fly home if they have to fly away. I’m not sure what their sense of direction is like
Its been awhile since I have been on here but I have a crisis.

For the last 10 days I have been on a trip to Hawaii with my family. I let my duck stay outside so that he could still enjoy the creek while we were gone (we left his pen door open for him so he could come and go as he pleased and did that for a week before we left so that he would get used to that) We had a family friend come every other day to put out more food and to change his water bowl and put fresh straw down for him.

When we came back it had snowed about an inch of snow over the course of 3 days, however there were no duck tracks in the snow, nor any sign of my duck in the pen. I kayaked up and down the creek and didnt see him anywhere. He has always been very prompt at coming home around sunset so the fact that he hasn't come home in so long scares me. He is a 2.5 year old duck that I raised from an egg using a desk lamp. He has been free roaming for just under 2 years, always coming home at night.

Has anyone else gone on a vacation only to come home to find one of your ducks has disappeared? There is a stray cat that frequents our yard but there is no sign of struggle and my duck has always beat the cat up in the past when attacked by him (and various other animals, my duck doesn't take anything from anyone!) Any ideas why he could have disappeared other than the obvious (animal attack) I did notice some random human foot prints going through the snow in our back yard along the creek but no duck prints so it seems unlikely to me that someone stole him, at least from my yard.

I'm so worried, he is basically my child, I am running an ad in my local paper for the next 3 days offering a reward if he is returned, I just hope he is safe and well taken care of wherever he is.
The same thing happened to me I have 2 ducks I raised them since babies and we went in vacay to az for a week and when I came back 1 was here and the other was gone. No feathers around the house so I know she’s alive but I just don’t know what happened
The same thing happened to me I have 2 ducks I raised them since babies and we went in vacay to az for a week and when I came back 1 was here and the other was gone. No feathers around the house so I know she’s alive but I just don’t know what happened
Thats a partial truth, Alot of predators snatch and carry to other locations to avoid attracting other predators and scavangers
When you leave on vacation, the predators know it. When my daughter went to college, and the place was quiet, that is when I had a fox massacre most of my chickens.
A fox can pick up a duck and not leave a feather, I've had that happen.

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