My duck is sick


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 26, 2014
Magnolia, TX
Bonnie is not looking well and is limping on her right foot. She seems to be struggling to quack as well. My girls are 6 months old. They have been aloof for two days now. I am adding vitamin / electrolytes to their water. I am worried sick. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
Take a close look at the leg and foot. Is it warm? Feel all the way up to the belly. Compare with the other leg.

Any drakes in the flock?

Look at her vent - look normal?

Gently, gently feel her belly - puffy, squishy, firm, too skinny?

How is her weight?

Ducks can have infections and not let on till it is advanced, in which case antibiotics are necessary.

But that's not the only reason for her feeling unwell.


They have all been aloof? Are they in a secure shelter? did this happen suddenly?

If there are drakes, she could be overmated. So if that is the case, she needs to be taken and placed separate from any drakes, or if there is one drake, he may need to be separated.

I would get her into a lukewarm tub of water and watch her movement, check her over closely for injuries - under the wings and on the belly, the vent, all over.

I will need to turn in soon… but I can check back in the morning.

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Hi...Thank you for your concern. I only have two females. She was fine yesterday, aside from some mild panting when I put the girls to bed. They are inside and outside ducks. They only play outside when we are here. Her legs and feet look okay. She is not quacking and is not drinking her water. I mixed electrolytes and Epson salt in her water and gave them a warm bath. She looks skinny all of a sudden, like in her face. I don't even want to leave her to go night night. I will go by the feed store tomorrow for antibiotics. Thank you and God bless. <3
She could be egg bound, she could have some internal problems, including infection. There is an illness - egg yolk peritonitis - very stealthy, hard to catch early. If it's that, then antibiotics and the best nutrition you can manage. You are doing the nutrition part with vitamins and electrolytes. I also like boosting their feed with flax seed, a little bit of good quality dry cat kibble, amaranth seed, dandelion greens.

Make sure she is getting enough calcium, also. Crushed oyster shell is good but if she needs extra calcium, then calcium gluconate liquid (available at many feed stores, or online) is a quick way to get them caught up - a teaspoon per half cup of water, mixed with their food. In her case, I would put a quarter teaspoon of Ca gluconate in a tablespoon of mashed peas, if she likes peas - whatever she will eat, even a tiny bit of bread soaked in the Ca gluconate. Or a tablespoon of mashed sardines (in water, without extra salt, no oil).
Thank you so much!! She is better today. I think she got into something bad. I purchased some oyster shells, more vitamin / electrolytes and will continue to give her Epson salt water mix. I really felt like we were going to lose her last night. I climbed in her bed and she snuggled on my chest. Thank you for your support and advice. I will definitely follow your steps. My girlies are my world. :)
Thank you so much!! She is better today. I think she got into something bad. I purchased some oyster shells, more vitamin / electrolytes and will continue to give her Epson salt water mix. I really felt like we were going to lose her last night. I climbed in her bed and she snuggled on my chest. Thank you for your support and advice. I will definitely follow your steps. My girlies are my world.

Don't over do with the Epsom salt it can cause dehydration here is info on using flushes go right by directions... very happy to hear she is better.
Glad she is better - I would stop the Epsom salt, make sure she drinks lots of fresh water. At this point, a teaspoon of charcoal per quart of drinking water, to absorb toxins that may be left inside her would be better than the E.s. - I reckon whatever was in there is gone now, except for what may stick to the tissues in her digestive tract, if any did.

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