My duck is terrified


May 22, 2020
My duck that just hatched is so scared of hands it is like a couple hours old. i put my hand in to see what the themometer was reading and it went into the corner and huddled, will it like me tomorrow when i feed it for the first time? and is there a method for it to like me? do i hold it until its used to me or what?
Pick him and cup your other hand over the duck lightly. He'll feel safer having something over him. He will get used to your hands and being picked up. I'm a right softie and will sit with my babies on my lap and in my hands for hours, so they get very used to it and associate it with safety.

My 6 week old chick is now so used to hands he jumps onto of them while I'm trying to do stuff, like use my phone. It's really quite annoying but it is my own fault
the first couple of days I make sure I look the part...
Kidding.... the more you handle the duck gently and make it feel safe, the more likely they are to simmer down. Sometimes that doesn’t even work and I wonder if the suit really would help!

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