My Duck Needs Help!!!



Crossing the Road
Sep 18, 2020
New Jersey
I brought down eight ducks to my pond, and five of them died from I don’t know what. I have one duck left down there (others are in a coop) and I’m trying to catch him but I can’t, the pond is frozen over then it got down to 10° last night and he is all alone and surprisingly he didn’t die. I’ve tried my bird dog to lead the him towards me but he keeps running away on the ice on the pond. I really don’t want him to die, is there any way you guys know I could catch him? He knows all the tricks now so he won’t let me get anywhere near him and he’s pretty much starving. I feel really bad and if we can’t catch him we’re gonna have to shoot him because ducks aren’t supposed to be alone and he is so skinny it’s sad. I’ve already tried traps, food and a net.
Not sure if shooting him is the appropriate plan of action. Clearly he enjoys the pond more than the coop. If he didn't he'd return.

Thinking of some ways to make the coop more attractive than the pond would be a good start.
I have a 135 aker property and the coop and pond are on opposite sides. And he stares into the sky quacking at the wild ducks flying all the time because he doesn’t want to be alone, he is skinny and sad. I don’t know why he refuses to eat 😔 it might be because he is depressed or because his mate died
You really just need to figure out a way to catch him. Maybe try and get some help? It would probably be a lot easier to herd him with multiple people. Maybe put up some kind of fence on the other side of the pond so he cant get away more. To me it really sounds like you just NEED to figure out a way to catch him. Maybe use some other ducks to lure him in?
You really just need to figure out a way to catch him. Maybe try and get some help? It would probably be a lot easier to herd him with multiple people. Maybe put up some kind of fence on the other side of the pond so he cant get away more. To me it really sounds like you just NEED to figure out a way to catch him. Maybe use some other ducks to lure him in?
That’s smart. I’ll try to have my friends come over and surround him with a gate and if he ~fly’s~ (flap his wings and hit our faces) I’ll try to lure him in with a female duck.
Also another idea would be to maybe put some kind of shelter out there by him and see if he tries to use it, if he does you could maybe trap him in there?
Also another idea would be to maybe put some kind of shelter out there by him and see if he tries to use it, if he does you could maybe trap him in there?
I already tried he is to smart. He only goes into the one in the middle of the pond. If I walk out onto the ice I’m scared I’ll fall through

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