My Ducklings Are Eating Their Shavings!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
help me please! I dont know what to do because my almost six-week-old ducklings , (well maybe just ducks
) are feeding lightly on their bedding! I've heard this is very bad! It is raining outside and I can't use towels anymore which is what I have been doing, and cant go get any other form of bedding ! Will it be ok if they eat a few or will it kill them? i thought it would be ok even though i say HEY really loud each time they bend down to take a bite, cause they are older know. please help me!
They will pass through the digestive tract as long as noe of the shavings are particularly large or thick. I find evidence of some being eaten in the brooder with my 5-6 week old ducks and gosling at the moment- I have put some grass in the brooder to help with bordem and give tham something other than the shavings to forage in.
ok thanks:D theyve had them for a few days now so i think theyre ok as far as shaving go!
thanks goodness cause htose towels were killing me!
I put a paper towel over the shavings when I was using them, it keeps them from eating it so much, and is easy to clean. You just throw it away.
My ducks eat the paper towel

If they are eating shavings, make sure they have grit. They should stop eating shavings after they get used to them and figure out they aren't food.

Ducks are like little kids. Everything goes into their mouth.

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