My ducks are skittish

Thank you! I wanted to get a picture of them on one of our 'walks'. They stick so close together. I really wish I had had the camera the other day when their heads all went really cockeyed at exactly the same time and I looked up knowing that I would see a hawk or an eagle in the sky and sure enough there was a hawk flying over. My husband was in awe.
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The grey and white is a Magpie (though with a tad too much grey) and the Silver/Lavender? is (I believe) half Magpie, half Saxony Runner. I'm pretty sure that the pure black one is half Magpie and half 'miscellaneous black duck' :-] - (though she's standing more like a Runner than usual in this picture). And in the very back, to the left of the nearly white headed Runner, is one of my babies that looked like a Swedish as a duckling (and still has a very splotchy white chest) but is again probably a Magpie/Runner mix. He really has a very pretty blue body though - and though he's a mixed breed, he's a pretty handsome guy (true in humans as well ;-). He'll probably be relegated to the drake pen when breeding season roles around though.

I hadn't meant to keep any of my Magpies, but this little guy (now big) seemed soooo attached to his two Moms that I ended up keeping him.
Wow Chilly - the Aylesburys on the Web look REALLY big. How do the ducklings compare at that age next to the Campbell? Looks like it should be a fun trio though, hope everyone gets friendly sooner than later.
I would say that the Ayles is at least half as big again as the Campbells, she/he is definately the boss of the trio
Ducks are more like cats, where they expect you to feed them and leave them alone; unless you incubate yourself, as others have mentioned.

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