My ducks got attacked by a dog


May 17, 2023
My poor sweet ducks got attacked this morning😭 I suspect it was the neighbor’s dogs. One of my 7 week old ducklings was killed and another one was severely injured. I’m absolutely heartbroken about the one who died but I’m trying to focus on saving the injured one and protecting the rest of the flock.

The injured duck is a 7 week old Khaki Campbell (I think it’s a boy). He has bite wounds on his head and bill. He is bleeding slowly from his nostrils. The worst injury is on top of his head, just above the bill. It was pretty deep. His bill is swollen and his face is swollen. Both his eyes are cloudy and I don’t know if they are damaged or if it’s just the swelling. I cleaned everything and put antibiotic ointment on all the wounds and terramycin in his eyes. I have him in a separate pen with some of my younger ducklings. I’m going to call my vet tomorrow. I don’t know if they do ducks but they do livestock so I’m hoping they can at least prescribe antibiotics or something.

Right now he is very droopy but standing up. Not eating or drinking. I’m sure he’s traumatized. I’ll share some pictures. They aren’t very graphic. If he doesn’t start eating and drinking soon I’ll try tube feeding him. I’ve tube fed other animals but not ducks before.
Sorry about the late reply and your ducks. I am a chicken person, not a duck expert. But with wounds, I would spray on some saline or Vetericyn type of wound spray. Saline can also flush the eye. Then apply triple antibiotic to the wounds twice a day after spraying the wounds. That can also be applied in the eyes if needed. For infection, Hibiclens chlorhexidene is very good to use. Offer fluids to the duck, because he may be very sore. Is he eating yet? How is he doing this am?
Sorry about the late reply and your ducks. I am a chicken person, not a duck expert. But with wounds, I would spray on some saline or Vetericyn type of wound spray. Saline can also flush the eye. Then apply triple antibiotic to the wounds twice a day after spraying the wounds. That can also be applied in the eyes if needed. For infection, Hibiclens chlorhexidene is very good to use. Offer fluids to the duck, because he may be very sore. Is he eating yet? How is he doing this am?
We were trying to get help with shock what not to do as far as trying to feed and hydrate finding conflicting info online.
I don’t know about ducks, but I would not worry about feeding until tomorrow. Fluids are best. With chickens I would offer feed mixed with a little water, and some dry. Tube feeding is very stressfull so not a good thing at first.
Sorry about the late reply and your ducks. I am a chicken person, not a duck expert. But with wounds, I would spray on some saline or Vetericyn type of wound spray. Saline can also flush the eye. Then apply triple antibiotic to the wounds twice a day after spraying the wounds. That can also be applied in the eyes if needed. For infection, Hibiclens chlorhexidene is very good to use. Offer fluids to the duck, because he may be very sore. Is he eating yet? How is he doing this am?
Thank you!!

I do have hibicleans and saline. That’s good to know I can use the antibiotic ointment in his eyes because I’m low on terramycin and I ordered more but it’s not coming till June!! (I’m in Hawaii). I am going to try to find someone who will ship it faster.

He started drinking this morning! He took a tiny bite of food but that was it. I don’t think he can see, he used the sound of the other ducklings drinking to help him find the water

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