MY Ducks have Gape worm! HELP!

Or Belgian Tervuren. I had one and she was too sensitive for even flea shampoo or tar shampoo. Off lable use is a crap shoot, and you could kill your animals unknowingly. Just be prepared to lose some animals if you are guessing and taking advice from a thread on the net. I'm not saying that I don't believe the info posted is true, just saying, "Small Drops" is not a dose. It's a guess. Not all of us have access to vet care, so some info is better than none, but still, be aware, as they say, "Results may vary." and be prepared to dig a hole in your back yard if things don't go as planned.
That is true. But I overdosed one of my ducks when I was doing them and it was fine.
Also I told in an earlier post amounts to use per # weight.
I know. I'm not criiticising you or trying to be a downer in a great thread. Ivermectin is completely safe, up to ten times the recommended dose in most animals. There is great leeway generallly in dosing safety. Just when it isn't safe, it can possibly be fatal in some animals. Also, treating a dog with Ivermectin that has full blown heartworm can kill the dog because of so many worms dying off at once and causing problems. That being said, some people just live too far from a vet, or can't pay hundreds and chance it treating their dogs. They will either make it or they won't but should at least be prepared to "get the shovel" if it comes down to that. Thanks again for posting the info. I, for one appreciate it. Thanks.
Not a problem. Everyones info is good to take into consideration.
That's what these threads are all about....trying to help each other.
Have you tried the "Chicken Doctor" guy from the First State Veterinary Supply website? I bet he could recommend something, likely the Ivermectin...I was told the Ivermactin would work for most worms in ducks, and even though I haven't had the worms, I have used the Ivermectin on my ducks.
Dave Holderread can tell you how much to use for certain breeds. I only keep Calls myself so I only know what to use for dosing those.
The "traditional" (and HUGELY expensive) treatment for heartworm can also kill the dog, and after having had a dog that had just been adopted to me with heartworm and going through the treatment, I would take my chances on using a commercial wormer for 18 months straight as a cure rather than the usual cure any day of the week. Or I'd euthanize the dog right from the get go, because I feel the traditional treatment is cruel and I feel the dog I had was never right afterwards. With the one I have now, I just keep her on the wormer year round.
Just wondering if you are using the Ivermectin oral? One drop on a piece of bread once a month kills heartworms.
More on the subject in earlier posts.
For dogs and cats-

I have used ivermectin on my dogs for years. My oldest border collie is going on 18. My German shepherd is 7. Oddly enough GS are more prone to problems than Border collies.

There are 2 ways to treat with ivermectin. One is a general wormer that kills most worms. It is .1ml per 10 lbs. I use this on my cats but not my dogs. It can be in between the shoulder blades of a cat. My cats eat lots of mice and need wormed. Cats require alot more ivermectin to kill heartworms.

My dogs I treat with a very light dose of ivermectin closely representing the amount in Heartgard tablets. I use about .1 for a 50 lb and .2 for a 100 lb dog. I use the same on the cat that is do on my much larger dog. I would rather be safe than sorry. I was given this by my country vet years ago. This dosage only kills heartworms and not any other worm. I use pyrantel promoate paste for other worms.

For fleas I use Domininion 2L diluted 1/2 strength with water on my dogs and cats. The active ingredient is imidacloprid same as advantage. Be sure and dilute it by half with water. ml=cc This is a termitacide. I used to buy this solution on ebay.
2.8ml= 61-70lb

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