my ducks have learned where I store their feed


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
kountze texas
now when i let my ducks free range they go to my shed if i am outside and stare at me quaking(sounds like they are fussing at me)... pushy little buggers... gotta love them... they also go to my moms cabin and begg her for stuff... she made a mistake once and gave them a treat...
I store my feed in a black rubbermaid barrel on the deck. When I'm late feeding my group they all walk over to the barrel and surround it, quacking like crazy and knocking on it with their bills!
We store all our feed in Tidy Cat buckets. Our ducks tap on the side and the top of the bucket when they want to eat. LOL It's absolutely hilarious! They have so much personality!


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