My Ducks need help

Find out about the spraying for the apple orchard. Also, please think about trying the vitamin E and vaseline. Vitamin E should heal whatever that is in a couple of days. Yes, that quick. Also, don't know if this was mentioned, probably was, do you have old towels you could use in their crate and pool? Means lots of laundry but it would help.

I just went through Storey's book on ducks. In it I found reference to the lack of biotin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and/or other deficiencies of minerals or vitamins. I seriously would give the B Complex vitamin a try. Crush one of the pills and put it into a gallon of water. If you are using the same small waterers as is shown in the picture, I would use half a pill. The beauty and the problem with the B vitamins is they are water soluable. This means it's very hard to give them too much, but it also means that it leaves their bodies quickly. You can try a Sav-a-Chick or Durvet Vitamins and Electrolytes, but it will take longer to get their levels up to where they need to be. B Complex, one week, everytime you change their water, then switch over to one of the vitamin supplements for follow up and maitenance.

One last edit, I just went back through the thread and found you hadn't said what kind of feed you are giving them. This may be very important. It's a sad thing but you can't always trust the people at TS or other farm stores to 'know' what is needed for feed.
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I was able to speak to the manager of the TS store in Bangor this morning. he has kept ducks himself and is willing to take a look at your babies. I would take the worst one so he could see and the pics you posted here as well. One other thing, i am rushing outside to do chores right now so haven't read back through the you have these guys on an antibiotic? I know, don't really want to give one but it might be a good idea just in case. If it were me, I wouldn't hesitate to put mine on Duramycin-10. 1/2 tbls. per gallon of water. You could even half that and it would be a 200mg dosing instead of the 400mg with the 1/2 tsp.. Until I knew eactly what this is, I'd want to give my ducks any and every oppurtunity to get over this I could. Just my 2 cents.
Don't feel bad about the cage, it's not as if you don't care and aren't trying! It is your job to keep the ducklings safe, so I'd be feeling bad only if you weren't trying to keep your ducklings contained. I hope you are getting some answers today. Also for what it's worth, regarding feed: the Dumor Starter says on the label that it contains Niacin Supplement. I personally am having Niacin issues with one of my Runners, so I switched them to Dumor a few days ago. Plus adding Sav-a-Chick to water.
Im calling the manager right now I hope he can help thank you all I again for your help I havnt tryed any antibiotics but I will deffantly look into the tablets

the only thing i have been able to do is keep them clean put tripple Antibiotic cream on there feet and rap it I hope the TS manager can help me. I talked to a lady down the road who has the same ducks she said she has has some problems to but her's have to do with something the chickens had the vet said.

The warden came and looked at them he took pictures and a video of them and is going to a state vet who deals with birds and he said I should hear back in a few hrs if im lucky if not it might be a day or to.
well good news and bad news...

as I got off the phone from the vet who told me they cant help to keep them out of the water and let them heal them selfs...

then I called Tractor supplies both managers was very nice seems to be the only people besides you all who know what they are talking about lol...

They told me they dont think its bumble foot but they think it is an infection.. they advised me to keep them out of they water.. yes clean there feet like you all suggested.
The lady manager had told me that she didnt think it was bumble because it takes longer then 2 months to have I explained to them i got them from there store and I was new with ducks and asked if i was doing something wrong...

First they said....

my babys shouldnt be in the water a bath is ok once every 3 days with the way there feet are, but not every day for it willl take longer for them to heal.

they asked me about living situation and where I keep them and I explained everything that I explained to you all

they think it has to do with Petco shavings they told me to come in and pick up something called Pultry Aid and spray it on there feet and of course keep it covered. and to change the shavings to something softer or even to hay or just grass. they did say that I should give them fruit and some veggies not a lot and that I should give them plenty of food and water like you had told me, but was also told that I should witch out my feeders and have a hanging water feeder or the water feeder on top of something that they cant knock over. so they dont play in it and keep there area clean like I have been doing.

they also said that I should treat them for mites just in case
and told me to look around for chemicals... witch is what you all mentioned so I did..

just a few min ago I called my dad Who droped them off here...

it clicked in my head when you had asked about mills.. my dad owns a saw mill but he lives in milo and im in levant. but the reason it poped in my head is because he ships out shavings to places like petco and things like that. I asked him even if they package it and it says no chemicals can there still be chemicals on it.

He said 90% of the time when someone gets shavings from Petco or other places like that when it says no chemicals on them there still might be chemicals it just wasnt washed in it before being shipped. witch was very interesting because the bag says organic. so I looked up the web site on the bag and it states on there site that they use pest asides on all there trees before harvesting them and shaving them up. Witch is what my dad had told me. Now my question is how can someone state something is organic and sell it as organic and use chemicals? isnt that agents the farmers code? I remember when I helped a friend who was in the farmers market everything had to be organic even the poles they put in the ground because chemical spread we may no see it or tast it but its there. like led poising.

So I called petco and they said they had no idea I send them the web site they appoligised and said they will be taking it off the shelf.

they said they never had a problem with it because they deal with smaller rodents like rats and bunnies and things like that. witch is fine I guess if it works and dosnt hurt them but they should at least tell people that there is chemicals in the stuff they sell even when it states there isnt.

On the first my Ducks will be going to see a special Duck Doctor who works for the state his name is Michele he said he would come to my house with a list of does and donts... help me finish build my pin and show me the proper way to take care of them. also said that he would show me the right way to take care of there feet and notice the signs of things I should be looking for like over heating, not eating, being sick, things like that.

I really hope all this work...
Thank you all so much for all your help
you are very kind people.
I have had the run around for about a week and I got more places with you all then with a regular vet.
I will take pictures and videos of how they are all doing. as they go.

thanks a million.
from me, Peanut, Fruit-loop, wobbles, kamikaze, squeaker, and nipper.
well good news and bad news...

as I got off the phone from the vet who told me they cant help to keep them out of the water and let them heal them selfs...

then I called Tractor supplies both managers was very nice seems to be the only people besides you all who know what they are talking about lol...

They told me they dont think its bumble foot but they think it is an infection.. they advised me to keep them out of they water.. yes clean there feet like you all suggested.
The lady manager had told me that she didnt think it was bumble because it takes longer then 2 months to have I explained to them i got them from there store and I was new with ducks and asked if i was doing something wrong...

First they said....

my babys shouldnt be in the water a bath is ok once every 3 days with the way there feet are, but not every day for it willl take longer for them to heal.

they asked me about living situation and where I keep them and I explained everything that I explained to you all

they think it has to do with Petco shavings they told me to come in and pick up something called Pultry Aid and spray it on there feet and of course keep it covered. and to change the shavings to something softer or even to hay or just grass. they did say that I should give them fruit and some veggies not a lot and that I should give them plenty of food and water like you had told me, but was also told that I should witch out my feeders and have a hanging water feeder or the water feeder on top of something that they cant knock over. so they dont play in it and keep there area clean like I have been doing.

they also said that I should treat them for mites just in case
and told me to look around for chemicals... witch is what you all mentioned so I did..

just a few min ago I called my dad Who droped them off here...

it clicked in my head when you had asked about mills.. my dad owns a saw mill but he lives in milo and im in levant. but the reason it poped in my head is because he ships out shavings to places like petco and things like that. I asked him even if they package it and it says no chemicals can there still be chemicals on it.

He said 90% of the time when someone gets shavings from Petco or other places like that when it says no chemicals on them there still might be chemicals it just wasnt washed in it before being shipped. witch was very interesting because the bag says organic. so I looked up the web site on the bag and it states on there site that they use pest asides on all there trees before harvesting them and shaving them up. Witch is what my dad had told me. Now my question is how can someone state something is organic and sell it as organic and use chemicals? isnt that agents the farmers code? I remember when I helped a friend who was in the farmers market everything had to be organic even the poles they put in the ground because chemical spread we may no see it or tast it but its there. like led poising.

So I called petco and they said they had no idea I send them the web site they appoligised and said they will be taking it off the shelf.

they said they never had a problem with it because they deal with smaller rodents like rats and bunnies and things like that. witch is fine I guess if it works and dosnt hurt them but they should at least tell people that there is chemicals in the stuff they sell even when it states there isnt.

On the first my Ducks will be going to see a special Duck Doctor who works for the state his name is Michele he said he would come to my house with a list of does and donts... help me finish build my pin and show me the proper way to take care of them. also said that he would show me the right way to take care of there feet and notice the signs of things I should be looking for like over heating, not eating, being sick, things like that.

I really hope all this work...
Thank you all so much for all your help
you are very kind people.
I have had the run around for about a week and I got more places with you all then with a regular vet.
I will take pictures and videos of how they are all doing. as they go.

thanks a million.
from me, Peanut, Fruit-loop, wobbles, kamikaze, squeaker, and nipper.
I'm just thankful your getting some answers and the state vet is coming to your home, yes please keep us updated on how they are all doing, and all the research you did then contacting Petco with the info. good job.
Im calling the manager right now I hope he can help thank you all I again for your help I havnt tryed any antibiotics but I will deffantly look into the tablets

the only thing i have been able to do is keep them clean put tripple Antibiotic cream on there feet and rap it I hope the TS manager can help me. I talked to a lady down the road who has the same ducks she said she has has some problems to but her's have to do with something the chickens had the vet said.

The warden came and looked at them he took pictures and a video of them and is going to a state vet who deals with birds and he said I should hear back in a few hrs if im lucky if not it might be a day or to.
Hopefully all that will happen is that you hear back. PM me and i will give you contact info and if anything from the phone calls seems to be going south, let me know. I'll make the trip.

I am so glad that you got some help at TS today and so very glad that you could track down the problems with the shavings. I knew it had to be something like that...I've had chemicls burns and know what they do. I hope you were able to get the Duramycin powder. I think that once you get rid of the shavings and give them some vitamins and general TLC, they will come through like champs! You go girl!!! Ya done good!

Please keep us up to date on this thread!
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I would just like to update everyone on my ducks

There little feet have been raped for a few days and I went to change there bandages and they are healing..

Im still have people coming out and today they are going with me to tractor supply to talk about the best treatment.
Im going to keep doing what im doing with the bandages unless they tell me other wise. the salt soaking really helped..

I was so excited to see fruit loop walking better and there feet healing.. I will post pictures soon. thank you all again for all your help.

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