My ducks were attacked


Apr 23, 2023
Last night I had an animal attack my ducks. All four of my Kahki Cambell are missing. I have been searching all day in our woods and turned up empty handed. I found one of my Pekins dead by a tree, and two off in the woods with their feather’s ripped out of their back. My other Pekin is missing as well and I turned up with nothing. I got wound spray for them and have been checking on them around the clock. I have been giving them fresh water and food. They are drinking and haven’t ate yet. My question is. Will they be okay? Mentally and physically? They seem more alert. I have them in their coop higher up and they have their water and food with them. I’m happy I have two that survived. But I am extremely heart broken and have been crying all day.
Very sorry for your losses, if you could post pics of their injuries that be would help us help you better. And if you live where flies are abundant you’d be better off keeping them inside where flies can’t lay eggs in the Wounds and hatch out maggots.
So I have an update on my Pekins. The one didn’t make it the maggots were deep in his wound and he passed last night. The other one is eating and drinking and looks good. (He is pictured below) I have a friend that knows everything there is about ducks and she has all medicines and treatments that a duck will need to hopefully make a full recovery.
Poor ducky. I hope he/she heals well. Sorry to hear the other pekin didn't make it.
No signs of any of the khakis?
I have been searching every day and night and still no signs of them. I keep thinking I hear them and when I go to where the sound is there is nothing there.
So I have an update on my Pekins. The one didn’t make it the maggots were deep in his wound and he passed last night. The other one is eating and drinking and looks good. (He is pictured below) I have a friend that knows everything there is about ducks and she has all medicines and treatments that a duck will need to hopefully make a full recovery. View attachment 3555109
Is there a cover on that pen ? I would be worried hawks would see an easy target
I’m praying your birds come back and this little one makes a full recovery
So sorry for those that passed away
So I have an update on my Pekins. The one didn’t make it the maggots were deep in his wound and he passed last night. The other one is eating and drinking and looks good. (He is pictured below) I have a friend that knows everything there is about ducks and she has all medicines and treatments that a duck will need to hopefully make a full recovery. View attachment 3555109
What are you doing to keep the flies off of her?

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