My Eggs from Sonew arrived!! I HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna follow your hatch and we can be neurotic messes together and Natalie will have her hands full,

haha-I havent even been on my own thread in days to post-Ive been here:) Oh my eggs are on day 12 and going strong I havent even looked at them in 2 days...

Well, when are you going to candle again? Day 14?

And when are you putting the olives in for yourself?
Blessedmama, Glad that you got your baby. Sorry to hear about your daughter. How can we keep in touch so that we know what happens. I hope that all goes well and will be thinking about your family.
Sonue, do you have standard Blue Cochins or do you know who might? I cannot order until mid April and would like a dozen eggs. Then you can all sweat it with me!!
haha-I havent even been on my own thread in days to post-Ive been here:) Oh my eggs are on day 12 and going strong I havent even looked at them in 2 days...

Well, when are you going to candle again? Day 14?

And when are you putting the olives in for yourself?

Im in no hurry to candle since I just did 2 days ago and pulled out all clear ones-except the FBCM's Im fighting for them-all though I know 4 were clear out of 6 :-(
I might candle on lockdown day to be sure..Thats it though..The olives I have none saved yet..My last shipment goes out tomorrow and I gave everyone to them (4) is all I could get out of those hens! But Ill start collecting tomorrow for me-all silkie and olive eggs. yah..
Do you know how to do the pugget square? forgive me if I confuse you in anyway as I confuse myself half the time. but each of those 2 silkies you have are 50% black and 50% lav so if you get a boy and a girl ( if your lucky) you mate them and you "could get" a 25% chance of getting a lav-50% of more splits and
25% chance of straight black ..If I did it if you had 10 eggs technically 2 of them might be pure lavs...The chicks from the split lavs you have with have greyish tones in feathering right now...You would expect them to look BLACK but they look black with grey wisps or fluff...
I have them:) I have a very large standard black male in with a standard blue and a standard black-I dont who lays which egg when I collect-All I know is I write on them "cochin" and you can get either from that breeder pen...If you want them for April thats no problem just give me a hollar and I can help you out


they are the sweetest birds-so loving and gentle-especially that roo omg he is so kind! loves to eat out of my hands and get his belly rubs LOL
Ok, I get it. So Bella's not really black because she has gray wisps mixed in with the black. And under her neck and on her chest she's silvery white. So that means she's a split?

I'm gonna look up that square and figure this out.
Well, when are you going to candle again? Day 14?

And when are you putting the olives in for yourself?

Im in no hurry to candle since I just did 2 days ago and pulled out all clear ones-except the FBCM's Im fighting for them-all though I know 4 were clear out of 6 :-(
I might candle on lockdown day to be sure..Thats it though..The olives I have none saved yet..My last shipment goes out tomorrow and I gave everyone to them (4) is all I could get out of those hens! But Ill start collecting tomorrow for me-all silkie and olive eggs. yah..

OOOHHHH would those be my eggies you are talking about???
Can not wait!!!
And are those the cochins you were tossing in too!!!
You rock!!! I am soo happy I am working with you - you are cool!!

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