My Eggs from Sonew arrived!! I HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!

thats a tad high..just let it go down naturally-dont take any water out the humidity will go down in the next couple days all by itself:) 40% for the first 18 days is great..

Too high??? Are you trying to give me a nervous breakdown (panting) I stare in those little windows 50 times a day
thats a tad high..just let it go down naturally-dont take any water out the humidity will go down in the next couple days all by itself:) 40% for the first 18 days is great..

Too high??? Are you trying to give me a nervous breakdown (panting) I stare in those little windows 50 times a day

no no your ok just dont add anymore water let the humidty go down in the enxt few days and dont add anymore water..for now...have you been hitting those maragritas early?? LOL>>
I had a tube that went into the bator that I made from some extra IV tubing from my daughter's last hospital stays. I also used one of the large (50cc) medication syringes that they use in IV pumps. I could add or remove water without opening the lid. So I have been able to keep the humidity fairly constant. This bator holds humidity SO steady. Temps... well, not so much yet. But after this hatch I am drilling holes in the thermostat cover and letting it run for a while to see what happens.

We got word to day that my daughter is going to have drain placed in her liver on Feb 11, so I am not going to be able to hatch until after that since I can not finish a hatch before I leave. She's also having a feeding tube placed, and because of her heart condition will have to be in ICU, so I don't know how long we'll be there. Hopefully not too long.

Then, we're gonna be at this again!
You finally got that call huh? Oh hunny...I pray for your DD and your family.. Good thing these chickies came to brighten her pretty little face:)
I'm gonna follow your hatch and we can be neurotic messes together and Natalie will have her hands full,

haha-I havent even been on my own thread in days to post-Ive been here:) Oh my eggs are on day 12 and going strong I havent even looked at them in 2 days...
You finally got that call huh? Oh hunny...I pray for your DD and your family.. Good thing these chickies came to brighten her pretty little face:)

Yes it is! Couldn't have been a better time! She doesn't know yet. I dread telling her.
I wish I lived closer so you could have a spare nurse

Me, too! Staying at Duke is so tiresome. It's a great place when you need that type of care, but it's not my favorite place to be.

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