My Eggs from Sonew arrived!! I HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!

I was still up! Didn't get to bed until 4:50 gettng the pic of my new silky posted. Worried about her tho' She isn't walking well and still trailing the big part of the shell by a hair. got up @ 9 and when left to come be 'Nana' she was still unchanged and my pipper had made only a tiny bit of progress
'm afraid to hope much. The other 12 are just sittng there. [Bou I wish the I on DD puter didn't stick!]

Ive had chicks dragging their shells for hours-when the cord looks dried I take a small pair of sharp scissors open bator snip and shut bator:) We both win on that one
I'm not sposed to open the bator and am having a terrble tme keeping RH above 50%
have never had a slke before. Her lttle feet are all wadded up and curled underneth her and she rolls onto her back a lot! BTW, I have decded NOT to go back and smash n all of the Is
posted pcs on the Jan HatchAlong thread. My Slkes name s Topsy-Turvey
I dont mean throw the top off silly I simply mean lift the top as low as possible and reach in clip and close:) 5 seconds or less.. :)
I still have the one olive egg that is pipped. No more so far. I'm not too worried because the first one waited almost 15 hours before zipping.

However, how long can I leave the first chick in the bator without water or food. She will be 24 hours old in about 3 hours. I have the brooder up and warm. She's still crusty, but she's dry. The silkie completely dry also. My humidity is a bit high right now (73) should I reach in and grab them out?
yup reach in and grab them put in brooder-dip their beeks in water once or twice and then the food...Tomorrow do again with the water dipping and they are good to go:)
Sorry... still on the phone cam, and it's not great.

But here's Madeline the olive egger enjoying a stuffed dolly that used to belong to the girls before the dog got it... Madeline didn't stay with the dolly long, she's eating. Gotta keep up with those feet she's gonna have to grow into, lol.


And here's Bella. Under her "mama" (feather duster, which I have since hung higher so she can't get tangled.) She quieted right down under there. And since we're talking about feet, I've never seen silkie feet before. They look a bit wicked...

#13 is still pipped but not zipped. But I hear peeping and see the egg wiggle.

#14 is wiggling as well.

Both are olive eggs. The other olive egg is quiet and still for the moment.

The only other blue egg I had that wasn't detached may be wiggling the tiniest bit, but my eyes may be deceiving me because I want it to so bad.
so precious! I love looking at their hiding piggies-does the silkie have all 5 toes? are her feet ok? you said they were wicked? Like weird or messed up:-(

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