My Eggs from Sonew arrived!! I HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!

ok-can you see inside the shell and actually see the chick or is bella in the way? If you can see the chick and she for sure isnt Breathing/moving reach in and grab egg and move Bella off:)

oh sheesh Im so sorry-she could have drowned -most of the time you never know what happened..Dont let it scare you though...I t has happened to all of us who have had many hatches and it doesnt make the loss any easier..Im sorry...
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I posted right before you... I had already taken her out and she had passed. See the post before yours.

Moral of that story is don't count your chickens before they hatch. Now I know why folks say that. So sad... But there are more babies on the way I hope!
Thanks, y'all. I am sad, but not devastated. Surprisingly, seeing the fully formed chick helps me know that if it made it this far and all the way to pip, there really wasn't anything I could have done unless I had intervened earlier when I could tell it was struggling. Next time I see feet coming out of the pip hole and kicking it's way out, I'll know something's not right. The others zipped with their beak, not their feet. By the time I said anything and asked the question, it was already gone I am sure, because I could tell it wasn't breathing. I should have asked about seeing feet coming out that hole earlier.

So we still have one pip... #13, the olive egger. Hoping for more, but totally happy with what I already have. Two sweet little babies and a lot of experience under my belt. Next time will be easier I think.

Funny thing: Bella can handle Madeline already, I'm telling you! She doesn't take anything! If Madeline gets near her, she pecks her. Bella claimed the empty egg carton hole from the egg I took out and is fending off Madeline who wants the same spot. She can't walk well yet (Bella) but she can peck like nobody's business!

LOL, Madeline just piled in on top of her. That'll teach her. When that big chick piles in on top, Bella knows it I'm sure. Madeline seems to be settling down for a nap she thinks.
Great narrative about Madeline and Belle .. we needed something to lift the spirits in here ... Can't wait to hear about your next baby.
I'm rooting for you. So sorry about the chick... I am patiently waiting to see how all of this turns out. Had to take pver my friends computer... I'm not even home!
I was still up! Didn't get to bed until 4:50 gettng the pic of my new silky posted. Worried about her tho' She isn't walking well and still trailing the big part of the shell by a hair. got up @ 9 and when left to come be 'Nana' she was still unchanged and my pipper had made only a tiny bit of progress
'm afraid to hope much. The other 12 are just sittng there. [Bou I wish the I on DD puter didn't stick!]

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