My family thinks I am crazy...


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Riverside, CA
After admiring a friend's backyard flock for some time, I decided to start my own. And I am the kind of person who, once I decide to do something, I jump in with both feet. I just purchased six chicks from the local tack store (2 Ameraucanas, 2 silver laced Wyandottes, and 2 buff Oringtons). I have also started construction of my recycled chicken tractor. But, since I have NEVER built ANYTHING, I had to learn to use power tools. FUN!!! I got most of my materials from the Habitat ReStore and Freecycle. I am not one to measure, so I simply started cutting wood and screwing it together. I should be finished in a few weeks and I am quite proud of myself. I am going to make a sign for my tractor that reads "No Roosters Allowed" because I constructed the tractor with no help from my husband. My husband is merely tolerant of the idea of backyard chickens, which is sufficient. My two-year-old daughter would rather play with lumber than the chickens!

On a personal note, I am a full-time doc student at the University of Georgia and I should be finishing up in the next year. I am interested in becoming more green, both for the health benefits and to reduce my carbon footprint.

Thank you to anyone who actually read this far! Backyard Chickens gave the motivation (through information, pictures, and eager subscribers) to actually embark on this journey.
Welcome!! Congrats on the fluffy butts.
Congratulations and way to go! Keeping chickens has really added a better quality of life to me and a special peace.And my family thinks I'm crazy too, but they always go out to the coop with me for my "chicken therapy"- so I just think they don't want to admit they like them just as much as I do! It has really been a fun experience for ALL of us.Good luck to you!
My hubby was "ok" with the idea at first but now he's really into it. The chickens grew on him...especially one EE we call Nala. She is always on HIS shoulder LOL It's just so cute! And he really does like her a lot. I think yours will grow on your whole family
They sure are sweet babies!
Welcome to BYC and the craziness of chicken keeping.

It is way addictive and before you know it your 6 chicks will end up 10 and then 15 and .... You get the idea.

There is a lot of information here and a lot of people who will encourage you through any situation that you may encounter.

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