My Faverolle hatched out 10 turkey poults. ADORABLE


8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Just a good Fathers Day story.... A friend of mine was doing some excavating and accidentally ran over a turkey nest. He waited to see if the Momma turkey would return to no avial. The next day he shows up at my door with the remainder of the turkey eggs. Just so happens that I had a broody Salmon Faverolle just dying to be a Momma. Low and behold, 3 days later, she hatched out 10 baby poults on Fathers Day. The next day, 8 Rhode Island Reds hatched out of my incubator. I gave them to her on Monday and she has taken all in like they are her own. Here are some pics... Sorry the picture is sideways. I can't figure out how to rotate it. You can see the poults as she is on the reds. I'll post more soon.

So cute and sweet! I wish I had gotten a Faverolle now. I've heard such good things about them! Ah well... Next batch (whenever that is!)
For the longest time, I thought something was wrong with my two faverolles. They would be the only one's to stay in the coop during the day while the others were out playing. Now I get it. Maternal instincts overoad playing. My second faverolle is now the one who wants to be a Mommy.

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