My female African Goose has a lump, is this normal?

Vicke Lynne41

In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 26, 2014

It is very obvious as you can see in the pictures. Is this normal for geese? This female is the only one to have to lump. I am concerned about it. She is about 20 weeks old.
Yep, it's perfectly normal - enjoy your geese.
Do you know why? I have never seen this and I have two other geese who do not have it. I am glad that it is normal, I was worried about a cyst or something worse.
Those two other geese are very likely to be males then

I had them sexed before I bought them. They said two were females and one was a male. One is much larger than the other two (if that matters). The larger one is the only one I see trying to mate with the other two (other than my male duck who mates with whatever he can mate with). The larger one also stands by the pond all the time as if "he" is guarding his ladies.
Yes lots of them :) The first one is the one that stands on "guard" all the time. The second one is the one with the lump.
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I am the proud parent of an African Goose. They 'billed it' as FEMALE, but I got home and she's as big as my female Emden. How do I determine if this is a boy or girl? She/he is playing OK with the ducks. I put her/him in with my female Emden but she (Emden) turned away. I haven't let my male goose have a swing at him or her yet. I don't want the new babe to get PUMMELED if it is a boy.

There is a knob. She/he doesn't act aggressive at all to anyone so far.......

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