My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

Only 4 more days!
I can't wait for those baby pics!
Days Eighteen & Nineteen

I neglected to post yesterday.

Yesterday, I had shredded mozzarella cheese for treats for the flock. I ALWAYS call 'em into the run when I have treats, because I don't want to be mobbed anywhere else. Because they're freely ranging in the back yard, I had to wait a bit for everybody to gather. This meant I had to ration the cheese until all the birds - including those waddling ducks - made it into the run. The earliest arrivals were NOT happy about that, even though they got some cheese right away. They knew I had more and were quite loud in their complaints about it.

After the melee' in the middle of the run, I took a small amount I'd saved especially for Buffy and offered it to her, in her nest box. She went to peck at my fingers - usually she just "air pecks" - but this time she connected and snatched up some cheese shreds. Woo hoo! She made three grabs for cheese whilst I said encouraging things, then stopped. "Not hungry? Well, here's some more, right here, in case you change your mind." I left about an ounce directly on the bedding at the very edge of her nest box. Practically under her beak.

There was still some cheese there, later, when I locked up the coops as dusk deepened. Not a lot, but some.

But it was all gone this morning. Since Millicent no longer sleeps in the A-Frame with Buffy, there was nobody else who could have eaten that cheese. "Good girl, Buffy! I'll bring you some more tonight." She didn't reply. She doesn't say much, these days, other than that warning chitter when she puffs up.

Not much longer to go.......
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I know how you fill.
I've been trying to set my hen all year but she still hasn't went broody... She's a 1 and a half year old aussy orpington so I don't think it's her breed.
Aw well, I don't need anymore chickens

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