My First Broody Lady!


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
WELL, I finally packed up the incubator in November to take a break till spring...then the weather has been SO odd and unseasonably warm, I got my first broody, and then another, and then another.

Yes it is December, so not ideal, but #3 decided it wasn't for her once I put her boyfriend back in the pen and #2 is too stupid to sit back on the same eggs once she gets up to eat so I'm pretty sure hers won't hatch...but #1!

My little blue silkie has been dilegently sitting on those five eggs since December 15th and I hope that my girl will get a babe or two to hatch...they are a mixture of eggs contributed by several of the fine ladies out there and running two roosters, I guess half the fun will be figuring out who is who based on which egg they pop out of and if they have fluffy legs or not. haha

Anyone else expecting new babes just after the New Year?

I've got a broody Silkie sitting on eggs, too.

She hatched about 11 eggs earlier this year, and it was fun seeing how they would turn out looking since they're a mixture of d'Uccle, Silkie and Polish.

Some of them are really pretty!!

Good luck with your broody!
Thank you, you too!

What is she sitting on this time and how many can she fit under her? haha. I thought I might have been pushing my luck with 5 and such a tiny little butt...
I have broody silkie too she's been sitting tight on 4 eggs for 4 days now, we've been having odd weather it's almost 60 today and it's supposed to 20 monday
I've had some silkies go broody on me off and on this past month but I've been taking their eggs. I thought it was too late in the season but now I wish I would have let them sit with the weather the way it's been.

Hope you get some fuzzy butts!
Thank you!

I'm excited, only 5 or 6 more days...sometimes I think she went broody just to get away from that annoying rooster. HAHA
I've got a buff brahma banty holding down six eggs. Two of her own and four from a swap that I don't expect much to happen with due to the violent egg hating post office. Her hatch date is January 5. Tomorrow I'll candle the eggs and move her to the broody hutch that my DBF just built for me. It's already occupied by my japanese and her three Christmas day chicks. I've also got a d'uccle who's made a nest under a shed where no one can see, so, if she lives through the experience, I should have even more mutt chickies running around the yard!
The last time I check, she was sitting on about 12 eggs. But yesterday morning I saw another Silkie laying in the broody's nest, so now I know she's probably sitting on a lot more eggs.

I plan on going out when she's off the nest and candling the eggs to save the ones that are farther developed; then later move her nest to a dog crate that is inside the coop so no one else can lay in her nest.

I've already got enough interesting barnyard mixes, so I really don't need these chicks. But I want to see her be a mommy again since she wasn't very good at it the first time around.
Well, it was my fault for allowing her to sit on a staggered hatch. The first few hatched but there were still more to hatch, so she wouldn't get off the nest. The first chick died from not eating/drinking.
I ended up removing all the chicks as they hatched and placing them in a brooder box.

@ AlienChick, that was what I was worried about, so I planted the eggs I wanted her to have then moved her out in her pet carrier she was hunkered down in into the brooder box by herself. Now nobody can bug her, it was everybody's favourite place to lay and they kept adding and adding to her cause.

Good luck crossgirl! I have NOT even candled, it's a miracle really for me, maybe I should this evening...maybe I should right now... HAHA

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