My first chicks

So, when I posted pics in what breed is this, someone suggested they were oegb splash. ?? Any one else think the same or different? And any clues to what sexes I may have? I'm hoping for at least one roo but not three roos :D lol. And just to share my excitement the hen in the background of these pictures has been nursed back to health after a dog attack and layed her first egg today!

This pic was two days after the dog tried to eat her. Even her crop was torn open, the poor girl leaked out of her chest when she ate or drank anything. so today is definitely a celebration day for her!
Looks to me just the feathers coming in, it could also be that they are bantams, my past bantam cochins feathers were kidious and scruffy for about 5-6 weeks... Sorry it took me so long but here are 2/4 of my blue and black Ameraucana chicks

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