My first Duck


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 6, 2010
Panhandle Id
After reading about ducks and the different breeds and comparing them to chicken as I share in a post a week ago. I'm going to start raising ducks this year. I just had my first duck egg this morning for breakfast and there was no different from a chicken egg. Was a little different the yoke was bigger. I cant wait to start on this venture,bring on those Walsh Quakers.
After reading about ducks and the different breeds and comparing them to chicken as I share in a post a week ago. I'm going to start raising ducks this year. I just had my first duck egg this morning for breakfast and there was no different from a chicken egg. Was a little different the yoke was bigger. I cant wait to start on this venture,bring on those Walsh Quakers.
What a great pic looks so yummy. Ducks are really worth it you'll love them.
Our Khaki Campbell laid an egg each day all summer long, and well into the fall.

I love to eat duck eggs, but not daily, so every two weeks or so I'd end up giving a dozen or so extras to co-workers and/or friends (she's taking a break from laying for the winter)

I acquired 3 new Welsh Harlequin littles in the fall - all girls, and from what I've read, they lay very similarly to KC's... so come spring I'm looking at 20-28 eggs a week! I'm not going to know what to do with them all!

Perhaps I'll need to start a side business ;)

Good luck with your future duck endeavour!



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