My First Egg :) & Questions


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
North East
Doing the happy dance now that we have our first egg. Finally some tenants who actually pay rent. I do have a couple of questions:

1. Who is it most likely from? EE or Orpington? Even though it is small I am doubting it is from a silkie or a WC Polish. It looks more pink then brown.

2. The blood is more brown and dull in person and dried. Should I be checking the chickens and making sure the one who laid it is OK or is this within normal for a first egg?



It is the FIRST egg. I'd think a lil blood would be normal. As for who laid the jewel. That's one for the more experienced folks here.

Good Luck
No way to say who laid it, look for the hen that seems sort of dazed an confused! hehe, that's not always true, but sometimes you can tell that way, one hen looks very puzzled for a little while, then they just sort of forget and go on their merry ways.

A little blood is not unusual, that doesn't look terrible and I wouldn't worry. (not a ton to be done anyway really)

Edited to add, YIPPEE you got an egg!!!
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If I had to make a GUESS....I would guess it's from your orp. EE tend to lay later, but it's not always the case. You'll have to wait to catch them in the act to know for absolute sure.

And yup. The blood is normal. Gotta stretch things out a little. One of my girls had blood on eggs for 2 weeks. Each time a little less.

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