My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

I've never seen that. Be careful - of course. Jammed ammo & damaged ammo is dangerous. My friend saw a guy shooting a .50 rifle at a range - bolt action type (this round is basically a cannon). After several shots it jammed, so this guy tried to FORCE the bolt shut on a live round.

He pounded the bolt, and the round went off with the breech open - and his hand over it. What happened was that the brass fragmented and exploded like a mini hand grenade. The brass sliced the crap out of his fingers - blood everywhere, he was screaming - fortunately an off duty EMT was there and stopped him from bleeding to death. If he didn't lose any fingers, I bet he never played the piano again.

Well a 22 is tiny compared to a .50 cal' but don't take chances. Take it back & don't let them b.s. you - it should be under warranty. Good luck!
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Yeah, robots! Maybe next generation.:(
Was just telling hubby yesterday - need more magazines!!! You should get a free replacement for the damaged one. If you can get at least one or 2 more, even better, especially when you've gotta share a gun! Wish I could ship you some good ammo, darn it!
Ouch, Steemroo! Your poor buddy! That happened with our new .17hmr. The gun jammed, so I got the bullet out, & said to hubby, guess we won't be firing THAT bullet again! Not worth the risk. Brute force is never the answer. It's too bad some folks learn the hard way, & with a .50 cal' . Yikes!

My girl So I looked out my window looking to check the trap door to see if it went down last night and sure enough I can see the trap door was down.So I send my boy out there to peak in the trap without pulling out of the brush where I had put it.I brushed it in with branches and hay and baited it with a nice purdue chicken breast that mommy pulled out for dinner and never cooked.My son comes running in to get my wife and I to see what he called a Big Red Mountain Lion mined you we live 30 minutes from Boston.So I get out there and pull the trap out of the brush and Look who is in there Mr big neighbor hood Kitty cat he did indeed look similar to a small red lion it was so cute when my son said that.He does know to stay back and peak inside so I too probably would have thought Red fox.So we let mr red go he ate the hole chicken breast and spent a long night in a 1" cold snow storm we did feel bad but also he may think twice about lurking around the chickens.
My friend saw it - the injury happened to a stranger.

You caught GARFIELD!!! Next time bait it with lasagna! :lau

We had a raccoon problem when I was a boy, and this was the first and only time we ever used a leg trap. It caught a house cat the next day - on our roof - and I had to go up and free it.. It was neither easy nor pleasant - but it hand't been injured that badly - caught on paw - and ran like a cruise missile once freed.
Garfield, lol! Good one! Ha, ha!
We had coon problems too. I live trapped one, & it escaped. Lucky for me, I caught the action on trail cam. Dam cheap trap! It chewed and squeezed itself between the bottom rows of bars. Now I know how flexible their backs are lol! One of the pics has him upside down in the trap. I couldn't help but laugh, it looked so comical! Anyway, tightened up the gaps around gate & no more coons. Yay!
If it was new in box you must have a warranty on it. Contact mossberg if the store wont help. Great you have everybody out shooting now. Next they will be buying guns.

I've never seen that. Be careful - of course. Jammed ammo & damaged ammo is dangerous. My friend saw a guy shooting a .50 rifle at a range - bolt action type (this round is basically a cannon). After several shots it jammed, so this guy tried to FORCE the bolt shut on a live round.

He pounded the bolt, and the round went off with the breech open - and his hand over it. What happened was that the brass fragmented and exploded like a mini hand grenade. The brass sliced the crap out of his fingers - blood everywhere, he was screaming - fortunately an off duty EMT was there and stopped him from bleeding to death. If he didn't lose any fingers, I bet he never played the piano again.

Well a 22 is tiny compared to a .50 cal' but don't take chances. Take it back & don't let them b.s. you - it should be under warranty. Good luck!

Ya I locked the gun as soon as it jammed took the mag out and then took the bullet out. Not to sound mean but I am not that stupid lol Have had some gun training I also remember the cartoons growing up of bugs hitting the rockets with a hammer and having them blow up. Torn up ammo scares me more then anything :/ The gun was new I took the mag into the store today the guy I bought it from agreed that the mag was messed up and gave me a new one. He also told me with the brand of my gun it would be best to use copper rounds instead of lead. I cant find any so he said he will give me a few cases of his copper ammo
So excited.

My father-in-law is talking about buying something hehe I think I even have my hubby talked into buying something bigger and possibly going elk hunting next year YAY!!!!!!!!

My girl So I looked out my window looking to check the trap door to see if it went down last night and sure enough I can see the trap door was down.So I send my boy out there to peak in the trap without pulling out of the brush where I had put it.I brushed it in with branches and hay and baited it with a nice purdue chicken breast that mommy pulled out for dinner and never cooked.My son comes running in to get my wife and I to see what he called a Big Red Mountain Lion mined you we live 30 minutes from Boston.So I get out there and pull the trap out of the brush and Look who is in there Mr big neighbor hood Kitty cat he did indeed look similar to a small red lion it was so cute when my son said that.He does know to stay back and peak inside so I too probably would have thought Red fox.So we let mr red go he ate the hole chicken breast and spent a long night in a 1" cold snow storm we did feel bad but also he may think twice about lurking around the chickens.

HAHA welly way to go on the big red mountain lion catch... Kids are so fricken cute!!! Sorry your still have not gotten your fox. I still havent gotten my other one. this weekend I am setting up a bait station see how that goes. Honestly I think the thing left and I havent seen my neighbor feeding any wildlife for over a week now

Hope you get your fox soon its so frustrating to know they are out there and you cant get them gggrrrr

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