My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Bastid! Now you gotta get sneaky. Put the opening like 18 inches away from a wall so he can't just back out quickly. And put bait only under the trip plate.
Your husband might be messing with

My husband is still out of town or I would have been blaming him already lol. The only thing I can think of if either this fox is a trap pro or my closest neighbor saw me place the trap and is helping the fox out. I think he is the one that feeds him. But seriously thank you that is a really good idea.
I am so ready to give up but still so ****** that I am going to try it one more time tonight. I will place it next to a wall I didnt even think about the fact that they are super fast. Thawing out some more chicken now. wonder if he will even be back tonight he is probably super fat from the 2 chicken breasts and a whole chicken lastnight. Ug he has me so angry. Alright taking a breath
What you told me to do has to work. I will try to tonight and let you all know what happens thanks
Another suggestion is drill a hole through the plate tie a string to the plate and the chicken so he has to set it off when he tugs on it.
My husband is still out of town or I would have been blaming him already lol. The only thing I can think of if either this fox is a trap pro or my closest neighbor saw me place the trap and is helping the fox out. I think he is the one that feeds him. But seriously thank you that is a really good idea.
I am so ready to give up but still so ****** that I am going to try it one more time tonight. I will place it next to a wall I didnt even think about the fact that they are super fast. Thawing out some more chicken now. wonder if he will even be back tonight he is probably super fat from the 2 chicken breasts and a whole chicken lastnight. Ug he has me so angry. Alright taking a breath
What you told me to do has to work. I will try to tonight and let you all know what happens thanks

What I found this morning. Raw chicken on trigger plate and under GONE. Dead chicken behind trigger plate GONE. I had it set on the lightest setting too. THIS IS FRICKEN INSANE!!! I dont understand.
You have to WIRE the bait to the back of the trap. When you do that, he can't just pick it up and back out. When you wire the bait in, the animal,(Hopefully your fox) will get frustrated when he can't easily grab and remove food/bait and he ends up stomping all over the trigger plate. I use plain old bailing wire. For bait, I use sardines, still in the can. I crack open the lid, to let out the aroma and wire it in the back of the trap. I think you'll end up actually trapping this fox, usually they won't go in a box trap, especially one that is just sitting out in the open and not camoflaged. Usually, to trap a fox in a boxtrap, you have to cover/camoflage the trap. Also, for a fox, the best bait is live bait. I have read where you put a live bird in a wire cage, and place it at the far end outside of the boxtrap. Then, cover everything except for the entrance of the trap. The fox thinks he is just going into a hole for a meal, then SURPRISE. He's trapped, and your bait bird is totally safe.
I feel for you, we only have 7 chickens right now, but they already feel like part of the family. After we get our 3 small goats, we are going to get a Jennie, we have been told they are great for keeping predators away from your critters. I read not to get one before we get the goats because they will think of the goats as invadtor, excuse my spelling.

What I found this morning. Raw chicken on trigger plate and under GONE. Dead chicken behind trigger plate GONE. I had it set on the lightest setting too. THIS IS FRICKEN INSANE!!! I dont understand.
I know how frustrating that is. I wonder about these types of traps. I watched my 25 pound Spitz go into my trap, eat the bait and then back out with out the trap going off.
Jack, that's a great tip! Seems foxy (there's a nice gun name for ya!) isn't afraid of the trap. That's good! Some way to anchor bait is great idea! Mwah, ha, ha, ha! Can't wait to hear how this turns out for you, Mygirls!
My foxes don't show up until about May.
I know how frustrating that is. I wonder about these types of traps. I watched my 25 pound Spitz go into my trap, eat the bait and then back out with out the trap going off.
That's another good point, sometimes you have to adjust the sensitivity of the trigger, either by bending or filing (Sometimes both) the trigger's trip.
You want it to go off easily, you don't want to have to put 50lbs of force on the trigger plate for it to go off.
Jack, that's a great tip! Seems foxy (there's a nice gun name for ya!) isn't afraid of the trap. That's good! Some way to anchor bait is great idea! Mwah, ha, ha, ha! Can't wait to hear how this turns out for you, Mygirls!
My foxes don't show up until about May.
Yeah, this fox doesn't seem to respect or fear anything. Man, I WISH the fox I have around here would come up to my porch and just look at me. They would not live to do that a second time. Just last night I hear our resident foxes out in the woods calling to each other. Unmistakable call they have.
It is hard to say from the photo but the trap looks a little small for trapping foxes. He can likely just reach over the trigger plate, pick up the bait, and when or if the trap is sprung the outside door just hits Renard on the rump. With the door still unlocked by the rectangle wire lock it is a simple thing then for the fox to back out of the trap. Finally the door closes and locks but only after the fox is safely out of danger.

The picture of the fox in a similar trap on this forum was a gray fox. This is a much smaller and more cat like fox than the wily red fox who is K9 like.
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