My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

I knew you would get that fox. He was, key word WAS, very stupid, or crazy brave. He could not just sneak in a grab the bait and back out this time.

Ya thanks to everyone for the good advice I placed the trap up against the wall kinda and hung the bait on the top in the back. :) He even ate the wire I used to hang the trap with
. Congratz, Mygirls!

(how do I disable spell checking here??? It's driving me crazy auto changing words it doesn't know).

It's normal to feel bad for the fox - just take care of it and move on. People who don't feel at least some empathy in These situations haveissues (possible psychopaths).

Shells, gratz on pips & good luck on hatch! Dorkings are one of the top birds for taste. They grow slow, but were Queen Victoria's favorite - to eat.

I wonder if a ddorking rock cross would grow faster but still taste great.

Yeah, some people are so busy "saving the world" that they lose sight of reality - and get a bit zealous. Same impulse that drove Puritans to burn "witches'," imho.. I'd laugh, except they're getting powerful.

Ya my brother-in-law told my husband that I am a B**** calling the fox Todd (from Fox and the Hound) but seriously what should I do with it? With the way he acts around people I cant even put my girls outside with him. I can make my chickens as safe as possible but now its my kids I am worried about. Oh well you cant please everyone
Shellz you are really making me want to get a rooster now lol I really would love to experiment around with different breeds and watch baby chicks hatch. Is it hard doing it with a incubator? I would hate to kill a bunch of unborn chicks.
Shellz, I didn't think you were heartless! You know exactly what you are doing - you got tons of good sense.

It's a duel mind thing, or more than 2. One emotion is based in anger over the attack. Another emotion is based in a need for security, protection. Then empathy kicks in. It's like a mini jury in our brains which makes it hard, at times, to do the right thing.. We just gotta balance it right, as you all know.

Urban people, who can be 99% empathy for the bambi, er, animal - they are blind to how lopsided their mental process is. Combine that with their belief that almost all rural people are " inbred morons " (do I hear Dueling Banjos playing?), and their "lobotomization" is complete.. Now I'm grossly exaggerating here - I am more urban than rural - and not all city folk are like this - but the trend among urbanites is scaring me. The extremists are mobilizing and passing laws that could one day end our way of life.

Ugh, doom and gloom. Anyway, thanks - hope your experiments work out! If you are raising meaties, have you read up on the French pasturing method?. We can't really do meat birds here - my wife would like to but is afraid neighbors (who all eat meat) would freak out.. Eggs for now.
Steamroo My friend does meat Chickens and had people next to him flipping out so he put a plastic kiddy pool in his garage hung up some cords between 2by4s then would tie chickens by the feet hang them upside down and then cut their throats. The chickens didnt make any noise just quietly bled out into the kiddy pool they really only moved a little when the finally died. Either way it was the quietest peaceful chicken slaughter I ever saw. The people next door didnt even know what was going on. He then grabbed a huge pot boiled water that was over 140 degrees dipped the chickens in and then started to defeather them. Then gutted them put them in bags and placed them into the freezer lol. He would then sweep up all the feathers and put them straight into his trash bin. the only time the people ever saw anythign was when he would take the pool out to hose it down. Just a thought...

I have seen people cut their heads off and they do run around a lot and make a ton of noise before the axe comes down. This may be a more quiet solution for you
Mygirls (spell checker says your name is Unveils, lol - artificial intelligence FTW - it thinks my name is Detention ), Shellz knows more than me on this, but it's not hard.. Not easy, but not hard.

And once you know what to do, it gets kind of easy.

A broody hen can hatch em for you (easy peasy, but she stops laying), but not all hens go broody. We use a home made incubator - built from advice from here and other sites - cheap, works great.. Ice chest, light bulb for heat, computer fan, thermostat.. Egg cartons hold eggs - homemade wood rocker to tilt them - dish for water to keep humidity up. Good thermometer & hygrometer. Simple stuff, but you do have to grasp and do each step.

Not all eggs hatch. Just nature. If you read up and talk to people here, you can do it. We hatched fertile eggs from a food market into Leghorn chickens!!!!. Good folks here will walk you through it.:)
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Shellz, I didn't think you were heartless! You know exactly what you are doing - you got tons of good sense.

It's a duel mind thing, or more than 2. One emotion is based in anger over the attack. Another emotion is based in a need for security, protection. Then empathy kicks in. It's like a mini jury in our brains which makes it hard, at times, to do the right thing.. We just gotta balance it right, as you all know.

Urban people, who can be 99% empathy for the bambi, er, animal - they are blind to how lopsided their mental process is. Combine that with their belief that almost all rural people are " inbred morons " (do I hear Dueling Banjos playing?), and their "lobotomization" is complete.. Now I'm grossly exaggerating here - I am more urban than rural - and not all city folk are like this - but the trend among urbanites is scaring me. The extremists are mobilizing and passing laws that could one day end our way of life.

Ugh, doom and gloom. Anyway, thanks - hope your experiments work out! If you are raising meaties, have you read up on the French pasturing method?. We can't really do meat birds here - my wife would like to but is afraid neighbors (who all eat meat) would freak out.. Eggs for now.
I have met a lot of people that try and straddle the barbed wire fence on issues and only prove that relativism does not work.
I hate to kill coyote but a friend had goats and one night she was awakened to the sound of a coyote attack, the coyotes had eaten the udder of every one of her goats leaving them alive and screaming. I believe I am quoting King Soloman ...."There is a time and place for everything under the sun"
That might work. Wife also found people out of city who said we can bring birds there. Next problem is that heritage roos take 12 or more weeks to get to good size but crow before that. Yard size, time - high feed costs in city - rooster not allowed - etc - makes it hard.

I can't grow meaties cheaper than sale price at grocery store - like 89 cents to a bit over a buck. Feed is stupid high here. Thanks for info, tho!. We may try'after all.

Ocap, too true!. Turn, turn, turn!
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That might work. Wife also found people out of city who said we can bring birds there. Next problem is that heritage roos take 12 or more weeks to get to good size but crow before that. Yard size, time - high feed costs in city - rooster not allowed - etc - makes it hard.

I can't grow meaties cheaper than sale price at grocery store - like 89 cents to a bit over a buck. Feed is stupid high here. Thanks for info, tho!. We may try'after all.

Ocap, too true!. Turn, turn, turn!

I have found that when you do stuff right at home its usually not cheaper then the store just better for you. :)
Mygirls (spell checker says your name is Unveils, lol - artificial intelligence FTW - it thinks my name is Detention ), Shellz knows more than me on this, but it's not hard.. Not easy, but not hard.

And once you know what to do, it gets kind of easy.

A broody hen can hatch em for you (easy peasy, but she stops laying), but not all hens go broody. We use a home made incubator - built from advice from here and other sites - cheap, works great.. Ice chest, light bulb for heat, computer fan, thermostat.. Egg cartons hold eggs - homemade wood rocker to tilt them - dish for water to keep humidity up. Good thermometer & hygrometer. Simple stuff, but you do have to grasp and do each step.

Not all eggs hatch. Just nature. If you read up and talk to people here, you can do it. We hatched fertile eggs from a food market into Leghorn chickens!!!!. Good folks here will walk you through it.

lol thats funny about your spell check. Ya I am going to do more research and look into it. I have to talk my husband into it first lol

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