My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Nice, I wouldnt report him for feeding maybe if he sees coyotes start piling up in the woods he will get the point. Feeding wild animals is the absolute worse thing humans can do for them, people think they are being nice and all it does is destroy the animals instincts.
Nice, I wouldnt report him for feeding maybe if he sees coyotes start piling up in the woods he will get the point. Feeding wild animals is the absolute worse thing humans can do for them, people think they are being nice and all it does is destroy the animals instincts.

ya he doesnt seem to get it and has been doing it for years I guess. One of my other neighbors shot a fox that he use to feed cause it went after her chickens and he actually called the cops on her. Said she was shooting wildlife for the fun of it. Long story short the cops didnt do anything and he still feeds the animals. She got rid of her chickens just to keep the animals that he feeds off her property. The coyotes will come right up to you if you let them. The day we moved in my girls and I were outside taking a break from unpacking and two coyotes walked right up to us looking like stray dogs more then wild animals. I kept my girls inside with me for 4 days. My girls love to play outside but I fear for them to much even though I was out there with them. a pack of coyotes is dangerous but now I will just carry my .22 with me when they we are outside I will feel a lot safer that way.

the crazy thing is that our property is over run with rabbits and mice. The foxes and coyotes arent even trying to go after them they know they will get a meal no matter what and hunting isnt worth it anymore
They called me last night said I could come pick it up I was going to wait till today but my hubby said that he didnt want the fox staying in the trap overnight so I had to drive down and pick it up. It was for the best it snowed last night and even though I planned on killing it I didnt want it to have to stay in the trap for another 14+ hours.

I love my gun though its very light which is nice for me. It was louder then I expected it to be but still nice to have. I am going to do some target practice this week get the sights right so if I do have to shoot something from far away I hit my mark. Nothing is worse then shooting something and having to listen to it scream and watch it flop around till you kill it.

Also I want my husband to shoot it a few times so he can get comfortable its time to break in the city boy he is almost 30 and has never shot a gun before thats just crazy in my mind lol
Good for you for getting the fox. You don't have to celebrate the death and its good that your kids know why this had to happen. BUY A SOLAR ELECTRIC FENCE
OR any electric fence. They work well. We had coyote come one night when I was out on call and my wife heard them and it sounded close to the house dogs were in and going nuts. Before my wife could do anything she heard a yelp louder than HELL and it went on for ever as the coyote ran from the coop
. I have a solar unit with wire at 4" above the ground one wire at nose level for a average dog and one wire at the top just in case something jumps over the other wires and tries to crawl in. I also have chicken wire over the top to cover what I can.Previous times I just fire a shot gun into the ground to scare coyote off. I take the Ted Nugent way of thinking that if someone eats meat but puts down Hunting or killing predators they are a hypocrite who hire an assassin (the butcher ) to do their dirty work for them and process meat into a neat package for them. Tell your brother in law to watch less Disney or better yet let him deal with the kids and the fact that their favorite bird is dead. As far as gun recommendations a .22lr rifle is good shotguns work well and offer a better chance to hit a target but as you say if the predator is in front of the animal you are protecting now you have to not shoot it maybe fire a warning shot into the ground. I think a good semi auto like you have or a pump shotgun with a full choke for a tight shot pellet pattern is the best choice. Do not use poison !! First it is a slow death for whatever eats it and what if your pets or someone Else's get into it or eats a poisoned animal. This country is going nuts with gun control. No reason a Farm Mom with a clean record should need to wait one week to get a gun. 6 months in Canada and I think all guns are illegal in the UK. That helps when livestock are getting killed. My girls 20 you have done this the right way. Have no doubt in what you have done and that was a great way to show the kids respect for what you killed and why it had to be. Get your spouse out to target shoot, he needs the experience and he might like it.
You go girl! I'm on your side! We have a lot of farmers here too, so nobody bats an eye when we hear shooting. Process for licensing is long, but ensures that everyone has been educated in how to handle various firearms safely!
You may not actually see a mountain lion, as their range is very extensive! There was one shot several hours away from us last summer. Turns out its front claws were removed, indicating it was non-native & actually an escapee from an exotic cat zoo! Still, rumours abound in South Ontario of the Eastern Cougar sightings. Hope I never see one! Or a black bear, like my neighbours have!
Hope your hubby learns to enjoy shooting that Mossberg as much as you! As a woman, I really like the synthetic stocks for their light weight. I'm finding with shooting different guns & different weights, that sometimes too light can be a problem, though. I would say my Tikka T3 Lite .223 has the best feel for me. Not too light, not too heavy. Maybe I need to trade up my guns that I feel are too light! My Marlin .22 XT is so light, I feel like I can't keep it still! Anyway, I applaud everything you've done! I am your biggest supporter! Now if you can just convince that idiot neighbour of yours to stop feeding the wildlife!!! OMG! He's feeding yotes now? Seriously? I think you may get the sheriff interested, if he's feeding larger predators. That is really dangerous! Good luck!
Good for you for getting the fox. You don't have to celebrate the death and its good that your kids know why this had to happen. BUY A SOLAR ELECTRIC FENCE
OR any electric fence. They work well. We had coyote come one night when I was out on call and my wife heard them and it sounded close to the house dogs were in and going nuts. Before my wife could do anything she heard a yelp louder than HELL and it went on for ever as the coyote ran from the coop
. I have a solar unit with wire at 4" above the ground one wire at nose level for a average dog and one wire at the top just in case something jumps over the other wires and tries to crawl in. I also have chicken wire over the top to cover what I can.Previous times I just fire a shot gun into the ground to scare coyote off. I take the Ted Nugent way of thinking that if someone eats meat but puts down Hunting or killing predators they are a hypocrite who hire an assassin (the butcher ) to do their dirty work for them and process meat into a neat package for them. Tell your brother in law to watch less Disney or better yet let him deal with the kids and the fact that their favorite bird is dead. As far as gun recommendations a .22lr rifle is good shotguns work well and offer a better chance to hit a target but as you say if the predator is in front of the animal you are protecting now you have to not shoot it maybe fire a warning shot into the ground. I think a good semi auto like you have or a pump shotgun with a full choke for a tight shot pellet pattern is the best choice. Do not use poison !! First it is a slow death for whatever eats it and what if your pets or someone Else's get into it or eats a poisoned animal. This country is going nuts with gun control. No reason a Farm Mom with a clean record should need to wait one week to get a gun. 6 months in Canada and I think all guns are illegal in the UK. That helps when livestock are getting killed. My girls 20 you have done this the right way. Have no doubt in what you have done and that was a great way to show the kids respect for what you killed and why it had to be. Get your spouse out to target shoot, he needs the experience and he might like it.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I am trying hard to make my girls live a non-sheltered life. People forget way to much where their food comes from and how to protect it. This summer/spring we will be putting up a 6 foot chain link fence around our whole property. I will also be putting in a electric one at the base so if anything tries to dig under they will come out to a zap. My husband (god love him) is more sensitive to the ways of the world never having any livestock or having to deal with predators If he thinks a fence will help keep them off our property period he is more then welcome to put one up
I want goats and sheep maybe even a mini milking cow (trying to get away from the grocery store) I am sure new predators will come in with those as well.
Man who had hand bitten off by gator charged with feeding it - NY ...
Jul 29, 2012 – A Florida airboat captain was arrested Friday on charges of feeding the alligator ... Man who had hand bitten off by gator charged with feeding it ...

Show that one to the idiot next door.
I almost forgot my fox story. Before we moved to the sticks and had chickens ect we lived in a suburb but we had conservation land behind us. Neighbor was worried because they had cats and a fox had been spotted near his house. We had no cats then just Labs. One of them had a litter and the pups were to small to go out. Mom Lab was so dedicated she only left for food to regurgitate for them and a out side break of 3 Min. One night it was 20 Min and I was getting worried. She came back with blood on her moth but I looked and she was not bleeding so all was well. Neighbor never saw the fox again so I think the fox met Moma Lab
You go girl! I'm on your side! We have a lot of farmers here too, so nobody bats an eye when we hear shooting. Process for licensing is long, but ensures that everyone has been educated in how to handle various firearms safely!
You may not actually see a mountain lion, as their range is very extensive! There was one shot several hours away from us last summer. Turns out its front claws were removed, indicating it was non-native & actually an escapee from an exotic cat zoo! Still, rumours abound in South Ontario of the Eastern Cougar sightings. Hope I never see one! Or a black bear, like my neighbours have!
Hope your hubby learns to enjoy shooting that Mossberg as much as you! As a woman, I really like the synthetic stocks for their light weight. I'm finding with shooting different guns & different weights, that sometimes too light can be a problem, though. I would say my Tikka T3 Lite .223 has the best feel for me. Not too light, not too heavy. Maybe I need to trade up my guns that I feel are too light! My Marlin .22 XT is so light, I feel like I can't keep it still! Anyway, I applaud everything you've done! I am your biggest supporter! Now if you can just convince that idiot neighbour of yours to stop feeding the wildlife!!! OMG! He's feeding yotes now? Seriously? I think you may get the sheriff interested, if he's feeding larger predators. That is really dangerous! Good luck!

I love ya Shellz
Your are a AMAZING woman your hubby and son are lucky to have you :) It has been really nice talking to another girl with the same views
Man who had hand bitten off by gator charged with feeding it - NY ...
Jul 29, 2012 – A Florida airboat captain was arrested Friday on charges of feeding the alligator ... Man who had hand bitten off by gator charged with feeding it ...

Show that one to the idiot next door.
I almost forgot my fox story. Before we moved to the sticks and had chickens ect we lived in a suburb but we had conservation land behind us. Neighbor was worried because they had cats and a fox had been spotted near his house. We had no cats then just Labs. One of them had a litter and the pups were to small to go out. Mom Lab was so dedicated she only left for food to regurgitate for them and a out side break of 3 Min. One night it was 20 Min and I was getting worried. She came back with blood on her moth but I looked and she was not bleeding so all was well. Neighbor never saw the fox again so I think the fox met Moma Lab

Nice!!! Go lab this just proves nobody gets between a momma and her babies!!!
Shellz TCB is just taking care of bizness - just doing what has to be done (without a parade or reading a philosophy book first).

Aretha franklin sings TCB in "Respect" - not. Sure if phrase had black or white origin, but we all use it now.

("...take care, tcb - sock it to me....")

Wow, coyotes biting kids in Canada now?. Their spread is prolly our fault - wolf eradication programs arr blamed. Big big difference tho between picking off a few bold pests that become real nuisances vs a gov't program of leg trapping, poisoning, helicopter hunting and paying bounties - which killed off wolves in lower 48.

Balance - we need it . But what is it? Pendulum tends to swing to extremes - going past "common sense" each pass.

It's Disney's fault - you killed Bambi's mother!!!!!! Agh!!!!! . :barnie

Simplistic? Maybe, but maybe some truth there, too.;)
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