My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Thanks for your kind replies! I really hate it when something is messing with my Ladies and Gents. Well, we were at the Farmer's Market this morning and I kept the chickens inside their free ranging when I'm gone! I came home early and there at least three that had gotten out. I did a few things and then got the .22 shotgun and the trap, set the trap with some tainted boar meat (long story there) and proceeded to sit in a chair with the shotgun for at least two hours during the time the fox usually comes out. Nary a sight of him today!! I think the dogs may have something to do with it...they have been hot on the trail a few times. Maybe they scared it away. I finally opened the fence at about 5 and kept a close eye on everything; everyone was trying to get out and I was feeling bad for them! So far so good. I'll be shutting them up soon so we'll see if I lost any. I haven't seen the dreaded pile of feathers anywhere.

Don't know what I want the skin for...maybe as a trophy for my first fox kill! I really love all animals, but when they become predators to my babies, then action must be taken!
It sucks!! I am sure you read some of this thread I was hosting world war III at my house with that stupid fox. I used a live trap I took a chicken breast and ran some wire through it and put it behind the trigger plate. It was the only thing that caught that D*mn thing it took all my bait before that ggrrr!!! hope you get him/her!! Foxes are frustrating to deal with I would make a nice little rug with him haha
LOL! Actually, I was just thinking about a little 'fox stole' neck warmer for the winter! LOL

I just shut up the ladies and gents, and my little Cluckster (avatar pic) and her chicks, all were accounted for, Thank God. Yes, I read the whole thread!! If my tainted boar meat doesn't work, then I will have to get some chicken breast, since I know that works! Thanks Mygirls20! Definitely have learned something thru this thread!
Well, something ate the bacon out of the trap. I wired in a big pork chop in the trap and made sure it works. Forgot to get the chicken. This is the second day I haven't seen any sign of the fox. Is it gone or just sly?
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I'd say the fox is sly! He'll be back, as long as he thinks chicken is on the menu! They observe patterns in your schedule & hit when they see an opening. My hubby called one in last year, but had the wrong gun for the job. The fox just sauntered 6 ft from him. If only he had the shotgun! Good luck getting him!
poor girl she must be in pieces i hope you find her a replacement for her. im lucky as i have had no foxes around . also i am very sorry for ur loss
Fox grabbed my chicken last year.
My golden retriever will attack on command, but the younger foxes will circle back. Our local "animal lover" said Wolf Urine.
You can buy it online. Good luck! My problem foxes get a little more than a BB gun if they hang out too long.
We lost thirty some chickens in the span of two days. Have seen the fox but never long enough to take care of it.
We lost thirty some chickens in the span of two days. Have seen the fox but never long enough to take care of it.

I couldn't imagine losing that many chickens in two days. That would just devastate me. I'm so sorry!!! I keep the chickens inside their (huge) fence until about 5pm and then let them out to free range. Third day and no fox sighting. Although, there has been alot of activity (us) outside today. Will look into the wolf urine, but that would be hard to put out, as my free rangers love the forested areas too!!!
I called our wildlife officers about the wolf urine.... They told me that if wolves are not in my area that it wont really do the trick but if wolves are in the area it could cause wolf problems. I was talking to a new chicken keeper friend the other day and she said she had bears getting in her trash so she dumped ammonia around her trash can and it worked like a charm she then poured some around her chicken area and the foxes stopped coming into the run...... Dont know if it works never tried it but she had 8 acres, her chickens are all free range and she hasnt lost a chicken to a fox since she started dumping ammonia everywhere?!?! Could be worth a try.

rkalgren sorry for your loss :'( I couldnt imagine losing that many in one day.

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