My first laid egg-Question

Northwood Silkies

9 Years
May 4, 2010
Northwest Michigan
My Serama laid my first egg this morning. How do i store them until i have enough to incubate? Right now i just put it in a egg carton with the pointed end down and have the carton sitting on my kitchen table.
How long are they good for? 7-10 days?
I've always read on BYC that the best place to store the eggs, is under the kitchen sink. The refrigerator is too cold but the counter is too hot. So, in your cupboard under the counter top...Hope that helps
And as far as how long you can keep them, they start to loose viability after 10days.
It is best to keep eggs at 55-60 degrees. I keep mine in a basement closet. You should also rotate the eggs at least once a day. Their hatching percentage goes down the longer they are kept.

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