My First Pip

Post pics when/if u can!!! I've never done it, and probably never will (I'm invensting in broody breeds) but I love hearing about it!!!!! Good luck!!!!
What is my hatch temp supposed to be? It is at 101 and I have a LG still air bator. The humidity is at 68%.
ohhh good temps and humidity!!

I have 2 pips as well in my incubator!

What are you hatching? I am hatching for this first one, Buff Orphs!

gosh this is nerve racking...hhhahaha!

Well I have a few muts and a few bantams that I ordered off the internet. I oly have one that has pipped and that was four hours ago. He has done nothing since then. Is this normal??
yes, It sometimes will take up to 24hrs for them to zip, though this has never happened to me. So don't worry they need to rest and gather the strength for the zipping. Don't worry everything is gonna be great!
Well it is three days after my first post and I am just now able to take a second and give an update. so far over half of the eggs have hatched (16). I would love to post pics but I simply can't figure out how. I read the "how to post pics" FAQ but I don't want to be charged monthly by photobucket and I don't understand my other option. I am not an idiot just not really computer savvy and up to date with technology terms. Can anyone help?


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