My First Quail

All twelve are still alive and thriving. We've hit the three week mark and I still don't know what we have. Their sex is clear but they won't stop running around long enough to count. I'm thinking of getting leg bands to keep them all straight...
All twelve are still alive and thriving. We've hit the three week mark and I still don't know what we have. Their sex is clear but they won't stop running around long enough to count. I'm thinking of getting leg bands to keep them all straight...
Congratulations! -- You could take them out individually and put them in a separate box long enough just to get a head count?

I made a premature judgement over here. One of the two turned out to be male [the smaller of the two]
I was going to go to a small animal swap today, to see if anyone was selling some hens, but it was canceled due to rain..
But both are doing well, at least.
At 4 weeks old, my boy has started crowing! I wasn't expecting it for another week or two!
It isn't particularly loud, and he doesn't do it very often. It did startle me though!

Today I went to Orlando to pick up some more hens for him, so I could keep him happy without potentially causing harm to my first hen, since she was the only one. I got four more, [3 pharaoh and one golden] So I've sectioned off the cage to introduce them safely. The new hens are also 4 weeks old.

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