- Apr 11, 2014
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- 36
Creating a thread to keep track of my chicks as they grow. I got everyone within their first week of life.
The production reds are all pullets from TSC. Five weeks in photos. Chummy is my favorite.
The Cochin Bantam and Old English Game Bantam are both straight run, 5 weeks from TSC. The OEG is looking like a cockerel, but still not sure on the Cochin Bantam. Going to have to rehome the OEG since I keep multiple roos but hopefully can keep the Cochin regardless. I free-range on eight acres and all my roosters in the past have gotten on remarkable well so long as they have the space.
The Frizzle Cochin Bantam (Unknown) and Cuckoo Maran (Pullet) are four weeks old. The Black Minorca (P) is three weeks old. The Easter Egger (P) and Black Sexlink (P) are almost two weeks old. All of these guys are from the local feedstore. The Turken is five weeks old and looking like a cockerel, and came from a flea market. I lost his hatch-mate when he/she was only a week old =(
I am actually really hoping the Naked-Neck is a Rooster because as I understand it, NN is a dominant gene so his chicks would get it =D
The production reds are all pullets from TSC. Five weeks in photos. Chummy is my favorite.
The Cochin Bantam and Old English Game Bantam are both straight run, 5 weeks from TSC. The OEG is looking like a cockerel, but still not sure on the Cochin Bantam. Going to have to rehome the OEG since I keep multiple roos but hopefully can keep the Cochin regardless. I free-range on eight acres and all my roosters in the past have gotten on remarkable well so long as they have the space.
The Frizzle Cochin Bantam (Unknown) and Cuckoo Maran (Pullet) are four weeks old. The Black Minorca (P) is three weeks old. The Easter Egger (P) and Black Sexlink (P) are almost two weeks old. All of these guys are from the local feedstore. The Turken is five weeks old and looking like a cockerel, and came from a flea market. I lost his hatch-mate when he/she was only a week old =(
I am actually really hoping the Naked-Neck is a Rooster because as I understand it, NN is a dominant gene so his chicks would get it =D