My flock wont let me touch them

Hedgeland Farms

May 5, 2022
Southern Illinois
So, we handled all the chicks a good bit as babies,they are all between 13-14wks now...and they just run at the sight of my hand.... UNLESS...I have treats ...which they eat OUT OF MY HAND 🤣🤣🤣, or bedtime I can kinda pet them as they make their way into the coop...

Any suggestions to help them get better used to me?? To trust me??
I hang out with them abt 3x a day for at least 20-30 min
Its at least partly the age, when they are teenagers they tend to get a bit wild, and then settle down ones they start laying eggs.
And at least in my (limited) experience as long as they take food from your hand, they to trust you; but just don't like being touched.
Thank you!
They are just so skittish! I gotta move incredibly slow in order for them to not freak out and run away lol.

I'll just keep working with them, and respect their current boundaries lol..

Everything I read abt golden comets said they love attention...
Mine are super curious, but definetly not interested in having any attention showered down on them lol...I feel like they tolerate me 🤣🤣🤣

Cinnamon queens are supposed to be sweet and docile lol ..while they are also curious...not so much wanting to be loved on🤷‍♀️

I have several EEs which are supposed to be "exceptionally friendly" most of them won't even eat out of my hand, and i cant catch any of them🤔

I have 2 crested cream legbars who I can't even catch AT ALL

I also have a blue sapphire she was friendly at a young age...but now she also runs 🤣🤣🤣

Like yall...I wanna be your friend!!! Bahahaha
So, we handled all the chicks a good bit as babies,they are all between 13-14wks now...and they just run at the sight of my hand.... UNLESS...I have treats ...which they eat OUT OF MY HAND 🤣🤣🤣, or bedtime I can kinda pet them as they make their way into the coop...

Any suggestions to help them get better used to me?? To trust me??
I hang out with them abt 3x a day for at least 20-30 min
I have 8 chickens that are now 13 weeks old but I have had them since they hatched. What I did was sit in the coop with food and when they had eaten that just sit there and do nothing really and let them come to you and I also talked to them so they would remember my voice when I would feed them. But I can definitely feel they’re teenagers bc they have gone more wild and don’t like to be touched as much as they used to like😊

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