My friend has secret fresh egg information...

I don't know who your friend talked to but this person was very misinformed...
1. If they were given "drugs" the eggs would more than likely be unsafe for human consumption.... Just like last year I was saying something about my son being allergic to store bought eggs and not farm fresh, I thought the hormones and antibiotics given the chickens caused his allergy to the store bought. Well I was corrected by another member who said the commercial egg companies are no longer allowed to give chickens hormones or antibiotics(can't remember now which it was), when I checked the info(can't remember the site now, slept since then), all the shots commercial layers got were the standard vaccines.
2. The same site(gonna have to find it again) also showed that during the laying cycle the chickens have 16 1/2 hrs of daylight and 7 1/2 of dark.
3. True the eggs are put through pasturization as is most other dairy products.

I've also read before somewhere that the eggs are 3 wks old by the time they hit the store shelves and that leaves only a couple weeks to eat them. ugh! Rather have fresh eggs less than 3 weeks old, although farm eggs can last up to a month or longer in the fridge. Always do the freshness check.

In reality farm eggs have a thicker shell and are a little tougher to crack than store bought. Also tougher to peel than store bought.
The whites are firmer and not watery like a store bought.
The yolks are not only darker but are also firmer and richer than store bought.
And you can add more Omega 3s by feeding the chickens foods rich in Omegas. In other words you control what goes in your girls so you know whats coming out.
Your birds are so much healthier and cleaner because their environment is better taken care of which gives you the peace of mind that there will be way less chance of Salmonella than the store bought.

ETA: here is one of the sites I found info on:
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As far as I know the only eggs that are pasteurized are the ones that are broken and packaged and shipped in five gallon buckets for bakeries etc. How would you pasteurize a whole egg anyway? I am going to check on that. There are several large egg farms close by me. BTW, eggs are not dairy products. As for the eggs being three weeks old or more when they hit the store, that would depend a whole lot on where you live. And eggs will keep a long time as long as they are refrigerated whether you buy them at the store or raise your own. There is no reason you can't have salmonella in your own chickens. I wouldn't worry about it but you need to be aware of it.
Interesting! In my own experience, I have rarely seen whole eggs pasteurized in the shell in the grocery store. They cost quite a bit more and were clearly advertised as "pasteurized in shell". I really doubt that the normal whole eggs in the store are pasteurized. Probably only the broken ones or the liquid eggs.

I came across this on a pasteurization website:

" Whole Eggs Removed from Shells and Sold As a Liquid - Large quantities of eggs are sold to restaurants and institutions out of the shell. The yolk and whole-egg products are pasteurized in their raw form. The egg white is pasteurized in its raw form if it is sold as a liquid or frozen product.

Dried Eggs - If eggs are sold dried, the egg white with the glucose removed is normally heat-treated in the container by holding it for 7 days in a hot room at a minimum temperature of 130°F (54°C).

Whole Eggs Pasteurized in the Shell - Traditionally, eggs sold to customers in the shell have not been pasteurized. However, new time/temperature pasteurization methods are making this possible. Egg whites coagulate at 140°F (60°C). Therefore, heating an egg above 140°F would cook the egg, so processors pasteurize the egg in the shell at a low temperature, 130°F (54°C), for a long time, 45 minutes. This new process is being used by some manufacturers, but it is not yet widely available. Pasteurizing eggs reduces the risk of contamination from pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, which can cause severe illness and even death. Pasteurized eggs in the shell may be used in recipes calling for raw eggs, such as Caesar salad, hollandaise or bé arnaise sauces, mayonnaise, egg nog, ice cream, and egg-fortified beverages that are not thoroughly cooked. "

There's also a website for a company specializing in pasteurized shell eggs:

which seems to indicate that pasteurization is not the norm in the industry, hence the value of their product etc...

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