My Frugal and Recyclable Nesting Boxes


12 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Sunny side up :)
Here are some of my frugal nest boxes. I get them from Sam's Club or other stores that let you take boxes or cardboard. Make sure to ask at your local store to make sure it okay first. I do have several coops and permanent nest boxes that dh built for my girls but I use these in case I need extras like for the free rangers who insist on laying on the patio or under the boat etc. lol.
I also use them for my broody hutches and for mommas that are growing out chicks in the broody pens. The good thing about these frugal nest boxes is that once they are dirty, I recycle them by putting them into the compost bins or for mulch/weed barriers in the garden. The girls really seem to like them. When I first got them, all the free ranging girls would fight over them like they were a new toy lol.


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Haha. Yeah I live in the South sooo lots of empty chicken wing boxes etc on the weekends LOL! I guess you could take off the paper labels and decorate them any way you wanted since they are white boxes. They would probably look pretty neat decorated.
Thank You flgardengirl, you made my evening!

I need a couple more nest boxes, have 4, but there is still a line & a lot of squawking & fussin when they can't get into the nest box they want.
Thats just too funney....

I just scored about three similar to these from Sprouts Grocery here in town. The beauty of them is they are corrugated plastic and can be scrubbed with soap and water. You can cut them with scissors too if you need to modify them. And they can be broken down flat if you need to store them for any reason.


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