My girls are talking & I mean TALKING !!!!

Thats for sure!
In my flock, I have an EE hen who "barks". It isn't a cluck or bagaaawk it sounds like a single bark. I think it means, "Hey pass those treats back this way!" since she is usually in the back of the pack and behind me when I am passing out the goodies. She is the only one who does it, and I first thought she was sick, but she is perfectly healthy and laying one pink egg a day. Anyway, it works, because I always turn around and pass the goodies. She doesn't like being touched or petted, but knows who holds the yummies.

When they go to roost, they sing what I call the "happy chicken night night song." It is one of my favorite times of day.
I really don't think it should be called the egg "song" that's too misleading. Maybe the egg holler? Or bellow? Oh, and why does it have to go on for like...10 minutes?????

The first time my rooster growled I thought it was a bear! He was in the coop and it was dusk, I was over by the duck pen and I heard a growl coming from the direction of the coop! I though a bear was in the woods behind the coop. I even went and got a flashlight to look!

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