My girls have stopped laying Eggs!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
The girls started regular egg production this Spring and were doing great. In early Spring we had a raccoon attach - near miss, a neighbor's Jack Russell full on attached and almost got one and then a skunk in the run that caused a little stir all relatively close together in May/June. The girls have not gotten back to regular laying ever since. They get good day light hours, good food w/plenty protein. One is now molting, but that doesn't explain why no one is laying! How long until they get back to business??? We keep a regular schedule and they have a nice size fenced in yard to free range for a few hours a day. Maybe they need a little candle light and soft music in the coop???
Go out with a cup of coffee and sit and listen. When mine appear to have quit laying, they have almost always created a different secret nest. However, they will still sing the egg song.

It is amazing how they can hide a nest in nearly plain sight.

Mrs K
We have had same issues with predators & lack of eggs. We have a lot of molting going on here though. Temps in the 90s. My girls have really slowed down their laying pattern. After molting, it should kick back in. I would take Mrs. K's advice. I am sitting with mine tomorrow, in the very early morning. All the predator issues we have had, just going to make sure they are not being terrorized. :)
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The girls started regular egg production this Spring and were doing great. In early Spring we had a raccoon attach - near miss, a neighbor's Jack Russell full on attached and almost got one and then a skunk in the run that caused a little stir all relatively close together in May/June. The girls have not gotten back to regular laying ever since. They get good day light hours, good food w/plenty protein. One is now molting, but that doesn't explain why no one is laying! How long until they get back to business??? We keep a regular schedule and they have a nice size fenced in yard to free range for a few hours a day. Maybe they need a little candle light and soft music in the coop???
Are these pullets or over a year old hens?
What is your climate?

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