My goat has big udders. Does this mean she is going to kid soon?


10 Years
Feb 20, 2009
Thawing Minnesota
Hi guys! I just went out to feed the goats and our pregnant doe got out, and as I was chasing her around I realized that she is getting really big udders. They are to the point that I can see them when she runs. Does this mean she is going to kid soon? I'm so excited!
Sorry that I'm not very helpful. But I sure do hope shes preggers.
If she is maybe you can supply us with photos.
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It takes roughly 145-155 days from mating to kidding. The udder will enlarge as she gets closer to kidding. I have one due in June that is building her udder. Its a process and doesn't usually happen overnite. I figure that mine start building at 3 months of gestation and continue to grow slowly to about one week prior. Then there is often a large jump in size the day before kidding. When I see a *Full* udder with teats filled up and ready for milk I watch very closely. I've been known to sleep out in the barn with my heavy does. I'm nuts, I know!
Well a few weeks ago I went to go pick her up from her old owners and they said they thought she was pregnant because her udders were filling up. Well they are definitly bigger now and I think I felt something kick me (hard). How big do you think will they get? The last time she had babies she had twins.
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Sounds like she is getting close to kidding...keep a eye on the back end now and when you see mucas its wont be starts out clear then turns to a amber color...
Aww crap. That means I need to throw up a fence to split the pen in two asap. I'm afraid of my wether hurting her or her babies.
That happened faster then I thought it would.
unless your wether regularly beats up on her, you dont need to separate them. bucks can be a little different. but wethers are essentially does that pee in a different direction. my does kid down in a group environment - other pregnant does, sometimes some empties and wethers also. and they are fine, she will most likely give him a hiding if he is curious and gets too close
The only way to really tell is tail ligaments...I have had does not udder up until after they freshen, no mucous, no physical signs except they start caving in on their sides and the kids are aligning themselves up to give birth. Figure out wher ethe tail ligs are and when they are gone, you'll have kids on teh floor usually within 12 hours. I always have a "kidding" pen....when they ahve their babies leave them to bond for 3-4 days and then introduce them into the rest of the herd. A few sniffs and they are o.k. Most new mama's are very protective anyways so she will keep her babies safe. They usually don't even want to leave them to eat too busy tending to their little ones. You will just have to know your goat....more vocal, stand offish, sunk in, etc. You never really know if your goat is pregnant unless you test. I did not test this year, and I have one doe open. As far as uddering up, for some it happens within 24 hours they fill up and their udder is actually shiney. Others it is a process..don't rely on udders though....make sure she is not leaking don't want mastitis. strut her out a bit to relieve the pressure.

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