My guineas are deathly afraid of me.

Does anyone have any tips on taming guineas? Mine are about 4 weeks old and deathly afraid of me. When I open the door to the coop to tend to their food and water, they pile into the corners and freak out. I bought some white millet but they are completely scared of me so they do not even pay the treat any mind.
I'm afraid once I let them out in another month or so, this will affect whether or not they will come "home" on a nightly basis. Any tips or advice? Is this normal? I am a first time guinea owner so any advice is appreciated.
Mealworms and white millet are your friends in helping to tame guineas. I used these treats to help train mine to come for the bell and to go into their coop at night.
I've come to the conclusion my guineas are happiest when I don't touch them! With our first batch of keets (which we bought) we held them as much as possible to try to make them friendly. Nope - they really never enjoyed it as much as we did! lol! After they went outside to the coop, we didn't hold them at all.....but they did know to come over to me to eat treats out of my hand. After our Mamas started hatching out their own keets inside their coop, I made a point of going inside there daily....talking to the babies at first (under that watchful eye of Mama).....and when they were old enough - started gradually feeding them treats. Their Mama was very helpful in teaching them, she would come over first.....take the food from me......and soon the babies knew it was alright to come near me for treats - eventually eating out of my hand.

If your guineas are left inside their coop for at least 6 weeks, they should know where to come home to at night.
Good luck!
Moved my younger scared keets outside with older friendly keets couple days ago. I think the younger ones are learning from older ones that I really am ok and not a threat because now younger ones are eating from my hand. These keets amaze me and I enjoy them so much. I have one particular one that will actually come right up to where I'm at to say hello and get his daily meal worm treats. He even flies up on my hand to sit.
My keets are about 2 1/2 weeks old, they keep flying out of their box. I've put some 2x4 wire over top, but it continues to be a problem. Guess I'll have to move them outside in cages tonight.
elorraine52, my young keets were trying to fly in the cage in house. I was afraid they were going to get hurt. They are actually doing great outside in pen. It was really chilly the one night and I was a little worried so I covered pen with tarp. They made it thru the night.
yes, I actually moved them out 2 days ago, tonight is their 2nd night outside. I have a 100 watt light bulb over them but had to separate them into two cages d/t the cages aren't that large. Their main concern seems to be that they can't all be together, they run up and down the cages trying to get together. I placed the cages right next to eachother so they can share the light, and they are inside a larger enclosure with tarp over top. That's the best I can do until we get the barn built. Funny thing is, at night the light attracts moths and bugs and they go nuts trying to catch them all!! Very entertaining. By morning they are very tired and ready to sleep a while....

yes, I actually moved them out 2 days ago, tonight is their 2nd night outside.  I have a 100 watt light bulb over them but had to separate them into two cages d/t the cages aren't that large.  Their main concern seems to be that they can't all be together, they run up and down the cages trying to get together.  I placed the cages right next to eachother so  they can share the light, and they are inside a larger enclosure with tarp over top.  That's the best I can do until we get the barn built.  Funny thing is, at night the light attracts moths and bugs and they go nuts trying to catch them all!!  Very entertaining.  By morning they are very tired and ready to sleep a while....


Why not let them run in the enclosure instead of being locked up in cages?

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