My Hatching Journey: the Adventures of a Complete Newbie

Awesome! I can't wait to start :) So random question maybe you or another member can answer... a friend of mine & I are having a "debate" she has ameraucana hens and her rooster is a BCM she thinks that if the eggs are fertile they'll be blue with brown specks. Doesn't the hens breed determine the color/appearance of the eggs? I would think the roosters breed has nothing to do with it... but maybe I'm wrong??? Any idea?

The eggs from the Ameraucana will be blue whether fertilized or not (If they are blue now) and any pullet offspring should lay green eggs.

If the blue is really saturated from the mom and the Roo hatched from a really dark egg, the offspring will be Olive Eggers.

If the mom is really an EE, and only has one copy of the blue gene, half of the offspring will lay green and half will lay brown.
Thank you so much @ FridatYet!! I will relay the answer
Hi Bubbles! Just caught up on your thread, it has been a few days. You're doing great as we all expected! Congrats, and keep it up! :thumbsup
Howdy cc, good to see you here. :frow

Hi Bubbles :frow just realized this is double hump day for you get a two hump camel today:celebrate :lau

Only two humps?
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