My hen hates my rooster. He favors her.

It can be tough being a rooster. You've got the comb and wattles, beautiful feathering. You can out crow all the other roosters and offer everything to your hens but the one you fancy most thinks you're a creep.

Lets face it, if one had to chase every hen around and put up with the pecks and the bad language every time one needed to fertilize something one would get seriously knackered.:D

Fortunately it doesn't stay like that for long. Some hens take the approach, well he's as good as it gets given he's the only one. Some hens go yippy and crouch when the rooster just looks at her. Some hens; well one could be digging up diamonds (whatever they may be for chickens) and she'll still say no. The important thing to note is the hen is saying no.
I don't know what it is about cockerels. I think most have puberty driven hearing problems and no doesn't register. I'm happy to report that all the roosters I've known sort this hearing problem out once they mature. Maybe proper hearing is the last thing to grow in.:lol:

There could be lots of reasons @Ridgerunner has covered them above. I think she sees you as the better option to the rooster is quite likely. It is hard for rooster to compete with someone who brings food in bucket fulls when he can barely manage a decent worm.

It could also be that your hen doesn't think your cockerel is old enough to be a responsible dad.

I've had a couple of hens that took over a year before they would crouch for a rooster and like @3KillerBs mentions, both these hens became one of the roosters favourites in the end and it took death to part them.

Hens choose their roosters. The rooster comes to realise that he needs to get the hen to follow him and crouch for him. He may well be able to force a hen to mate, but he can't fertilizeher egg if she doensn't want him to and he can't make her sit on them and hatch chicks either. She has to want to carry his genes forward for the whole mum and dad bit to work.

There are complications with differing keeping situations but essentially them's the rules above.;)

Time will probably sort it all out and as long as the hen isn't getting physically injured you can just wait.
If you are in a hurry then you would have to change your relationship with the hen and the cockerel.
Don't pick the hen up or feed hand feed her anything. Offer all the food you give to the cockerel first. The hen needs to see that you see the cockerel as the boss and he gives out the food.

This article may help you understand why this might work.
Thank you for the great information. Lots of things I really didn't know and hadn't thought about. Great points. It will be so hard not to hand feed my friendliest girl. But at the same time I hate to see her so bothered. Funny how smart they can be for such simple creatures. Thank you again! 😁
Thank you for the great information. Lots of things I really didn't know and hadn't thought about. Great points. It will be so hard not to hand feed my friendliest girl. But at the same time I hate to see her so bothered. Funny how smart they can be for such simple creatures. Thank you again! 😁
Thanks not necessary but appeciated none the less.
I hope you can get it sorted out.

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