my hen is almost 10 months and still isnt laying what do i do

Well Happy Birthday!
My EE is 1o months and hasn't layed a single egg....... she's a freeloader.

Happy Birthday!!
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Scratch has very little protein, usually around 8.5%. Veggies have very little protein. Hens need at least 16% protein to lay eggs, and if she's been malnourished for awhile, she would probably do better with 18 or 20%. With her total diet, it sounds like she's been getting less than half of the protein she needs. A game bird feed, or 20% grower should work well.

She won't lay right away after her diet is improved, it will take awhile for her to catch up on her delayed development. Maybe after a month or two of getting enough protein, (and make oyster shell freely available, too) she might be ready to lay eggs.

12 hours a day of light is plenty. She probably has a severe protein deficiency. She should also have plenty of fresh, clean, water at all times.

Veggies are good for her, it's fine to give her those too, but make sure the bulk of her diet is a higher protein feed.
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love dumplings but she will never be eaten by me.

um she get oyster shells i mix it in with her food to help her eggs harden when she starts to lay i think this is what the osters are for i dont remember right at this moment i had a brain fart
but i am goign to the feed store tomoro to get her some different food i will purchase laying mash scratch feed some more oyster shells because she ranout yesterday and some golfballs

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